Образец вступительного теста в БГУИР (2002)

Задание I. Прочитайте текст. Затем прочтите утверждения после текста и отметьте в талоне ответов:

T (true), если утверждение верное;
F (false), если утверждение неверное;
N (no information), если в тексте об этом не говорится.
Пример. The idea of a tunnel under the Channel appeared at the beginning of the nineteenth century.
Ответ: T.

The Channel Tunnel

The idea of a tunnel under the Channel directly linking England and France is not a new one. 190 years ago a French engineer told Napoleon that it would be possible to build a tunnel under the Channel because the sea bed is made of solid chalk. Napoleon was more interested in fighting the British than in linking the two countries permanently, and soon a new war between England and France prevented any further developments along these lines.

Then in the late 1860s, Thomas de Gamond and Sir John Hawkshow produced quite practical plans for a railway tunnel. Companies were formed in Britain and France, but actual digging did not begin until the early 1880s. A tunnel nearly two kilometers long was dug from Folkestone out under the Channel, but further progress was stopped when risks of another European war became real.

It was not until after the last was that Britain and France once more began seriously considering the project. In 1960 the Channel Study Project Group published a proposal for a rail tunnel, and four years later the governments of the two countries agreed to proceed with the project at last. Digging began again. A mere two and a half kilometers of tunnel had been dug when the British Government called off the project in 1975.

However, in the 1980s Britain and France agreed to form a consortium to complete the project using privately-funded capital. It was decided to excavate a rail tunnel between the two countries. Thousands of workers using high-technology machinery worked in sometimes dangerous conditions. Large terminals were constructed at each end of the tunnel, new railway stations were built in London and Paris, and high-speed trains were produced which could transport passengers from Britain and the Continent.

The tunnel has finally been put into operation, and Britain will no longer be cut off from its European neighbours.

1. The project of a tunnel connecting England with the Continent was suggested by an English engineer about two hundred years ago.
The French emperor came up with the idea of uniting the two countries – England and France, that’s why he encouraged the engineer to develop a plan for a tunnel.
It took Thomas de Gamond and Sir John Hawkshow five years to work out the plans.
In 1964 England and France agreed to continue digging the tunnel again, but eleven years later the British decided to stop the project.
Private investments were used to build a tunnel under the Channel at the end of the twentieth century.

Задание II. Расположите следующие предложения в логической последовательности в соответствии с содержанием текста. В талоне ответов под номером 6 проставьте ряд букв, обозначающих каждое предложение. Порядок следования букв должен соответствовать порядку следования предложений в тексте.
№ задания           Ответ
6                           B C A E D

A. The building of the tunnel was stopped because Britain refused to continue the work.
B. Two engineers designed a project of the tunnel in the second half of the nineteenth century.
C. Only after the Second World War the governments of the two countries began discussing the idea of the tunnel again.
D. The construction of the tunnel was easy to realize due to the suitable state of the sea bottom.
E. Everything was made to take travellers from France to England faster and much more comfortably than ever before.

Задание III. Выберите верный ответ на следующие вопросы:

7. What prevented any consideration of the idea of a tunnel under the Channel at the beginning of the nineteenth century?
It was impossible to build a tunnel because the sea bed, like the cliffs on both sides of the Channel, is made of solid chalk.
The French emperor supported this project but he didn’t have enough capital to complete it.
A new military conflict between the two countries broke out.
The idea of a tunnel wasn’t attractive to English officials at all.

8. Who developed the first practical plans for a tunnel linking the two countries?
Two companies formed in both Britain and France.
The Channel Study Project Group.
The governments of the two countries.
Two engineers from France and Britain working in collaboration.

9. How long was the tunnel which was dug at the end of the nineteenth century?
It was more than two and a half kilometers long.
It was about two kilometers long.
It was full-length rail tunnel.
It was a narrow railway more than two and a half kilometers long.

10. Why wasn’t the project completed in 1970s?
Britain decided to stop building the tunnel.
It was very dangerous to work in such conditions.
It was impossible to complete the project without the financial support of private companies.
Because the tunnel made slow progress.

11. Why was the tunnel so important for Britain?
The British Government was interested in using high-technology machinery.
It helped the British Government to cut unemployment in the country.
It finally ended Britain’s long isolation as an island.
France agreed to use British high-speed trains to transport passengers from Britain to the Continent.

Задание IV. Выберите правильный и наиболее точный вариант перевода следующих предложений.
The idea of a tunnel under the Channel directly linking England and France is not a new one.
Идея соединить Англию и Францию тоннелем уже возникала раньше.
Идея соединения Англии и Франции тоннелем под каналом вновь становится актуальной.
Идея тоннеля под Ла-Маншем, напрямую связывающего Англию и Францию, не нова.
Соединение Англии и Франции тоннелем, проходящим под Ла-Маншем, оказалось не новой идеей.

13. Napoleon was more interested in fighting the British than in linking the two countries.
Наполеона больше интересовала война с британцами, чем соединение двух стран.
Наполеон больше интересовался войной с британцами, чем связями между двумя странами.
Наполеон интересовался не войной с британцами, а установлением связей между двумя странами.
Наполеон больше интересовался войной с британцами для установления связи между двумя странами.

14. Nearly two hundred years ago a French engineer told Napoleon that it would be possible to build a tunnel under the Channel.
Через 200 лет французский инженер сказал Наполеону, что необходимо было бы построить тоннель под каналом.
Около 200 лет назад Наполеон приказал французскому инженеру изучить возможность строительства тоннеля через канал.
Спустя 200 лет французский инженер сообщает Наполеону, что строительство тоннеля под каналом могло бы оказаться полезным.
Почти 200 лет назад французский инженер сказал Наполеону, что будет возможно построить тоннель под Ла-Маншем.

15. Four years later the governments of the two countries agreed to proceed with the project at last.
Через четыре года правительства двух стран согласятся возобновить последний проект.
Четыре года спустя правительства двух стран всё-таки решили возобновить проект.
За четыре года правительствам двух стран наконец-то удалось договориться о возобновлении проекта.
Четырьмя годами позже правительства двух стран наконец согласились возобновить проект.

Задание V. Прочитайте следующие четыре текста. Выберите заголовок к каждому из них. Выбранный вариант заголовка отметьте в талоне ответов соответствующей буквой. Три заголовка лишние.
A. Some Dolphins Kill Sharks
B. Schoolboy Hero
C. Hard Life of Sea Animals
D. An Extraordinary Man
E. The Coincidence Factor
F. Schoolboy Saves People from Drowning
G. The Ability to Cook and Eat Tasty Junk Food

16. Andrew Nelson, a 18-year-old schoolboy from Staffordshire, yesterday saved four people from a helicopter crash in which two people died.
He was playing football at school when his friend Tony saw the helicopter crash in a nearby field. Immediately Andrew ran a mile to get to the scene of the accident. Andrew, whose father is a flying instructor, knew the helicopter was in danger of exploding, but he ran inside and pulled out four adults, one after the other. Meanwhile, the head teacher of his school phoned for an ambulance and the fire brigade.
«They are lucky to be alive», said the Chief Fire Officer.

17. In «The Guinness Book of Records» you can read about the many interesting and rare things that people have done. A man called Michel Lotito (born in 1950) from Grenoble in France, has been eating metal and glass since 1959. The book points out that this is highly dangerous and no one should normally try to eat metal or glass. Michel Lotito has been examined and x-rayed by medical specialists to prove his claims. His ability to consume 900 grams of metal per day has been described as unique. His diet since 1966 has included: 10 bicycles, a supermarket trolley, 7 TV sets, 6 chandeliers and a low calorie Cessna aircraft, which he ate in Caracas, Venezuela.

18. Barbara Herbert met her twin sister Daphne Goodship when they were 39. They had been brought up in different towns and in different social classes, but they arrived wearing practically the same clothes. They were both local government workers; both had met their husbands at a dance when they were 16 and married in their early twenties; both had fallen downstairs when they were 15 and had weak ankles as a result; both had two boys followed by a girl.

19. Dolphins and killer whales are some of the most intelligent creatures on this planet. They are also the most popular attractions in many zoos and there are special «Dolphinariums» all over the world in places like Tokyo, Miami, Mexico City and Sydney.
Many of the dolphins that go to zoos and dolphinariums are hunted in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean. They are chased by boats and planes and caught in nets. Then they are not given any food until they are prepared to dead fish, the food they are going to eat in captivity.
Life for dolphins and killer whales in captivity is not much fun, either. They are kept in small tanks and they suffer from heart failure and infectious diseases.
Some are even killed by visitors. At one zoo, in England, a dolphin called Sinbad died when a child threw a coin into his blow-hole.

Задание VI. Укажите номер текста из задания V, в котором раскрываются следующие утверждения. Несколько утверждений могут относиться к одному и тому же тексту.

20. A Frenchman eats unusual food.
Both women have three children.
It is important to know how to help people in extreme situations.
Blood relationship affects people’s lifestyle.
Animals often fall ill when they live in artificially created conditions.
The brave boy risked his life.

Задание VII. Найдите лишнее слово в следующих тематических группах:

26. Environment: A. exhaust fumes; B. waste; C. purify; D. waist; E. flood; F. desert; G. earthquake.
. Theatre: A. stalls; B. box-office; C. conductor; D. applause; E. audience; F. box; G. apply.
. Sport: A. score; B. track-and-fields; C. coach; D. rowing; E. fencing; F. wrestling; G. reference.
. At the Doctor’s: A. sneeze; B. stomachache; C. cough; D. sore throat; E. fever; F. blood pressure; G. snack

Задание VIII. Из приведённых ниже слов выберите слова, которые являются ответами на данные вопросы. Обратите внимание, что в списке есть и лишние слова.

A. coin;  B. hairdresser;  C. chemist;  D. adult;  E. medicine;F. decision;  G. barber;  H. medal;  I. memory;  J. nurse.

30. What do you call a person who cuts and styles only men’s hair?
What do you call a flat piece of metal given as an award for bravery?
What do you call the ability of keeping facts in the conscious mind and of being able to call them back at will?
What do you call a woman or a girl employed to look after babies and small children?
What do you call the art and science of the prevention and cure of diseases?
What do you call a person who is grown up, and not a child?

Задание I X. Заполните пропуски, выбрав верную грамматическую форму.

36. Jane … just a few minutes ago.
A. left                     B. has left                             C. leaves                               D. had left
It… that the government is spending too little money on roads.
A. is saying           B. is being said                     C. was saying                      D. was being said
It … be raining outside – I can see people with umbrellas.
A. must                  B. can                                    C. need                                  D. may not
If the snow carries on like this, very few people … get to the concert.
A. can                    B. could                                 C. will be able                      D. would be able
This shirt is still dirty … I’ve washed it twice.
A. in spite of         B. even if                              C. despite                             D. even though
Joe, Nick and Alan … live in Summerville.
A. all                      B. both                                  C. whole                               D. neither
Last year when I was … holiday I received a telegram asking me to go home immediately.
in                       B. on                                      C. by                                     D. at
My car broke … on the motorway and I had to walk to a garage.
A. into                    B. down                                 C. out                                    D. up

Задание Х. Составьте предложения из приведённых ниже слов. Запишите буквы, под которыми значатся слова, в порядке, соответствующем порядку слов в английском предложении. Не забудьте, что в каждом списке есть одно лишнее слово. Вопросительное слово должно стоять в начале предложения.

Пример: A. reads; B. English; C. books; D. he; E. read.
Ответ: D A B C

44. A. science; B. children; C. being; D. her; E. taught; F. been; G. are; H. computer.
A. working; B. driver; C. have; D. as; E. you; F. long; G. a; H. been; I. worked; J. how?
A. do; B. shouted; C. like; D. not; E. being; F. at; G. I; H. been.

Задание XI. Каждому предложению в левой колонке найдите окончание в колонке справа. Каждый ответ может быть использован только один раз.

47. He avoided …                                               A. … have just come back from England.
She didn’t let her brother …                      B. … go away.
If she had asked me yesterday I …          C. … finished building his house only last week.
My uncle says he …                                    D. … speaking to them about that matter.                                                                E. … to play the guitar.
f F. … would certainly have helped them.

Задание XII. Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски, выбрав один из четырёх предложенных вариантов ответов (A, B, C или D).

Dear Roberto,
I was very happy to receive your letter. Thank you! Yes, I would really like to be pen pals with you. I am very 51___ in South America. My uncle works 52___ a company in Venezuela. Maybe next summer I can go to visit him there. (Wow! Super!) Until then, we can 53___ pictures to each other.
You family is very different from 54___. I don’t have a large family. I 55___ with my mother here in Fairbanks. She works for a T.V. station. My father dies ten years ago. I don’t have 56___ brothers and sisters. I have one grandmother in Chicago, Illinois. My 57___ grandmother lives in Miami, Florida.
My hobbies are dancing, swimming, and foreign languages. I study Spanish and French in high school. Maybe next time I can write 58___ Spanish. The weather in Alaska really isn’t so bad. I like it a lot here. It isn’t as 59___ as you think. Here is a picture of me and a newspaper story about Alaska for you.
I hope to 60___ from you soon.
Sam Taylor.

Вашвыбор №ответа A B C D
51 interest interested interests interesting
52 on of by for
53 send to send sent be sent
54 my me mine myself
55 am lived live living is living
56 no some every any
57 other others the other another
58 at on in from
59 much colder cold colder the coldest
60 feel listen see hear

Задание XIII. Дополните диалог, используя наиболее подходящие по смыслу реплики.
A: Did you find the money I left on the desk?
B: Yes. But what’s it for?
A: Did you see the note I left?
B: 61_____
A: Well, I left a note saying I wanted you to get some stamps at the post office.
A: The post office is closed when I get off work.
A: I know but I won’t be in town on Saturday. I’m going on a hike with some of the guys.
A: I need a book of regular stamps and two of airmail. And thanks for doing it for me.

A: It’s okay. You’re welcome.
B: Why can’t you get them?
C: Help yourself.
D: You could get them on Saturday morning
E: I didn’t see anything.
F: Okay. I’ll get them for you. What do you need?
G: Certainly. The same to you.

Талон ответов
(ответы на образец вступительного теста по английскому языку в БГУИР)
2002 год

1 F
2 F
3 N
4 T
5 T
6 D B C A E
7 C
8 D
9 B
10 A
11 C
12 C
13 A
14 D
15 D
16 B
17 D
18 E
19 C
20 17
21 18
22 16
23 18
24 19
25 16
26 D
27 G
28 G
29 G
30 G
31 H
32 I
33 J
34 E
35 D
36 A
37 B
38 A
39 C
40 D
41 A
42 B
43 B
44 D B G C E H A
45 J F C E H A D G B
46 G A D C E B F
47 D
48 B
49 F
50 C
51 B
52 D
53 A
54 C
55 B
56 D
57 A
58 C
59 B
60 D
61 E
62 B
63 D
64 F
65 A

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