A Night Out In Bristol

Это упражнение показалось мне интересным своей лексикой. Признаюсь, оно заставило меня задуматься, хотя уровень FCE. Поэтому после выполнения упражнения, будучи недовольной результатом, я обратилась к словарям. 

rip off —  to steal from or cheat (someone)
boozy(informal) drinking or containing a lot of alcohol • a boozy night out
a round of 4 drinks — 4  порции спиртного
lightweight(informal) someone who becomes drunk very easily
the heavyweights — if you refer to a person or organization as a heavyweight, you mean that they have a lot of influence, experience, and importance in a particular field, subject, or activity.
to stomach — быть в состоянии переварить
hangover(informal) похмелье
run away (from) — убежать, удрать от кого-л., от чего-л.
get away (from) — выбираться, уходить, уезжать
go away  —  yдрать; ускользнуть, улизнуть
put away — убирать, прятать
to down —  глотать, здесь осушить пинту спиртного
in one — с одной попытки, сразу
tenner (informal) 1) банкнота в десять фунтов 2) амердесятидолларовая бумажка

FCE Mulitlple Choice Cloze. A Night Out In Bristol

For questions 1-12, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).


0 A wish B hope C fancy D dream

If you’re in Bristol on a weekday evening and (0) ___ a lively, boozy night out without getting too badly (1) ___  off you could do worse than to try Fandangos, the new nightclub complex on Lower Guzzlemore Street. Before eleven o’clock, prices are quite (2) ___ and you can get a (3) ___ of four drinks for around a tenner. If like me, you’re a bit of a (4) ___ it could even set you back less than that. But for the heavyweights, more often than (5) __, they run some kind of drinking competition at some point in the evening. On the evening I visited they were offering a free pint to anyone who could (6) ___  their first pint in one – guaranteed to leave even the most hardened heavyweight with a (7) ___  the next day. On most nights, the dress (8) ___ is fairly relaxed although they do seem to draw the line at torn jeans.

If, on the other hand, you’re looking to (9) ___ away from it all and enjoy a quiet beer or two in somewhere a little more off the (10) ___ track, The Pickwick Brewery Tap on Regents Muse might be more to your liking. Despite the rather unoriginal name, this charming little pub is not the fake tourist (11) ___ that you might expect. Most nights the other customers are nearly all locals and regulars but from (12) ___ they do get bus loads of pensioners taking over the place for an hour or two in the late afternoon.

1 A stolen B lifted C taken D ripped •
 2 A reasonable• B respectful C realistic D resistible
 3 A hand B round • C pack D stack
 4 A weak-drinker B lightweight• C low consumer D soft head
 5 A not • B ever C never D sometimes
 6 A stomach B down• C draw D drain
 7 A sore-brain B head-bang C heavy-head D hangover •
 8 A plan B rule C code • D restriction
 9 A run B get • C go D put
 10 A well-known B toursit C beaten• D popular
 11 A trap • B hole C den D ground
 12 A now and then B time to time• C here and now D day to night


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