Билет №8. Future career

Билет №8

1. Let’s talk about your future career. What would you like to become?
2. Does a person need to possess special qualities to become a good specialist in this or that particular field? Why?
3. What questions will you ask your future employer at a job interview?
4. Give me some advice on how to behave at a job interview to create a positive impression on the employer,
5. Some people think that it is necessary to have a good command of a foreign language to get a good job. Do you agree with this?


decision – решение
profitable – хорошо оплачиваемый
be engaged – быть занятым
creative – творческий
a specialist in business matters – специалист в сфере бизнеса
qualities —  качества
suitable – подходящий
turn into  — превратиться
nightmare – кошмар
working hours  — рабочее время
travel on business – ездить в командировки
provide – обеспечивать
employees – служащие, работники
accommodation – жильё
upright – прямо
relax – расслабиться
make answers relevant —  отвечать по существу

Билет №8

1. Let’s talk about your future career. What would you like to become? It’s a very difficult decision to choose the right job. Of course, I want a profitable job, but I also want to enjoy the profession in which I’ll be engaged. I want a creative job, no matter what the profession will be. Maybe I’ll become a specialist in business matters like my mother.
2. Does a person need to possess special qualities to become a good specialist in this or that particular field? Why? Yes, each profession needs special qualities. To become a good specialist one should analyze whether the job is suitable for him or whether he is suitable for the job. Otherwise the job may later turn into a nightmare.
3. What questions will you ask your future employer at a job interview? What are the working hours? How much is the salary? Do I have to travel on business? Do you provide your employees with accommodation?
4. Give me some advice on how to behave at a job interview to create a positive impression on the employer. Sit upright with your shoulders back and relax. Make eye contact. Smile – give the impression of being happy to be there. Keep your answers simple, relevant and interesting.
5. Some people think that it is necessary to have a good command of a foreign language to get a good job. Do you agree with this?  I agree. Though not all jobs require a good knowledge of a foreign language, it’s absolutely necessary if you are going to become a specialist in business matters.


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