Form 7. Unit 9. Lessons 7-9

Lexical Test

Exercise 1

Unscramble the words:

  1. utsyd
  2. gaina
  3. gyreularl
  4. nutli
  5. udring

Exercise 2

Choose the right option:

  1. It was ( helpful / helpless) to clean the floor.
  2. Be ( careless / careful) while crossing the street.
  3. My friend is clever and gives ( useful / useless) advice.
  4. Always think ( before / after ) speaking.
  5. We can’t survive ( with / without) money.

Exercise 3

Fill in the suitable words:

Carelessness  Challenge  Important  Until  In case

1.  ____ it snows, we’ll stay at home.

2. I think the final test will be a big ___ .

3. It is ___ to be active and healhy.

4. I go to school from Monday __ Friday.

5. She is famous for her ____ . She makes so many silly mistakes.

Exercise 4

Translate from Russian into English:

  1. Я выполняю домашнее задание регулярно.
  2. Эта книга очень полезная.
  3. Ник – внимательный водитель.
  4. Я делаю ошибки по невнимательности во время теста.
  5. Некоторые дети не могут жить без компьютера, а я могу!

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