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Part A Вар 2 PT 2010 3 этап Прочитайте предложения. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа. А21. My mom made … the medicine but It was horrible! 1) me take?                2) me took                     3) me to take                  4) me taking A22. You’d better stop … everybody! 1) to criticise              2) criticise                      3) to criticising               4)

Ещё немного из PT

Часть A Вар 2 PT 2009/2010 Прочитайте предложения. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа. А19. Only politeness made……back to see him. 1)     she went  2) her go•  3) her going  4) her to go A20. Would you mind … a couple of CV forms for me at the agency? 1)     to pick  2) picking•  3)

Выбор варианта ответа

Вариант 2 PT 2009/2010 Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа. Street musicians who (А9)… buskers is a usual scene in many large cities of the world. Quite recently the British government (A10) … a decision to legalise busking on the London Underground. Now musicians who (A11)… to busk will have to take a

The verb to appear

Appear = seem (not used in Continuous tenses) Appear = to perform (is used in Continuous tenses ) Appear = to become widely available or known about; be published (is used in Continuous tenses ) e. g. My little btother will be appearing as Guffy in the school performance soon. Fill in appear in its

The verb to smell

Smell- smelled, smelled (BrE also smelt, smelt )   Smell — to have a particular smell — пахнуть (not used in Continuous tenses)   Smell — to experience the smell of something by putting your nose close to it — нюхать (is used in Continuous tenses) Fill in smell in its forms. 1.     Dinner …

The verb to have

Have (got)= own, possess (not used in Continuous tenses) Have=to experience (is used in Continuous tenses) Fill in have in its forms. 1. An organiser said: «She … … such a great time she didn’t want to go. 2. … your secretary … a fax machine? 3. He …  much luck recently. 4. … you ever

The verb to taste

taste иметь вкус (not used in the progressive tenses) taste пробовать на вкус (is used in the progressive tenses) Fill in taste in its forms. 1. This drink … like sherry. 2. Whether an animal … … or smelling its food may be difficult to determine…. 3. I’… … the soup, to check if it

The verb to see

See— (not used in the progressive tenses) 1) to become aware of somebody/something by using your eyes 2) to have or use the power of sight ) to understand something See — (used in the progressive tenses) to meet Fill in see in its forms. 1. You can’t … colours at night… 2. My mother