Метка: olympiads

Городская олимпиада 11 класс Витебская область 2012

Письменная работа Английский язык (11 кл.) GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY TEST FORM 11 (2012-2013) I. Complete this extract about deja vu with a suitable form of the verb in brackets. D?J? VU is a feeling of having experienced a present situation before. I 1)______ (teach) students in the same college for many years now, but I

Городская олимпиада 10 класс Витебская область 2012

Республиканская олимпиада по английскому языку II этап (районный, городской), 2012-2013 учебный год GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY TEST FORM 10 I. Choose the best option (А, В, С or D) to fill in each gap. Under the City Streets While skyscraper offices and elegant apartment blocks remain the face of most major cities, these cities also have

Районная олимпиада 11 класс 2012/2013 Гомельская область

II этап республиканской олимпиады по английскому языку 2012/2013 учебный год Form XI Total: 85 points I. Complete each space in the text with a word formed from the words in capitals.  Stephen Murray was clearly going through a difficult 1) _____. He had never managed to gain the 2) _____of his teachers at school. He

Районная олимпиада 10 класс 2012/2013 Гомельская область

II этап республиканской олимпиады по английскому языку 2012/2013 учебный год Form X   Vocabulary and Grammar Test Total: 81 points I. Complete the sentences using the words in bold. 1. I’m rather busy at the moment — do you mind if I phone you later? get I’m rather busy at the moment – can______later? 2.

Районная олимпиада 10 класс 2012

Grammar and Vocabulary Test 80 points I. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. Last week police (1) _______________ (to arrest) Paul Dawson. They (2) _______________ (to suspect) him of being the leader of a gang of robbers who (3) _______________ (to steal) art treasures from museums and homes since last January. Prior to his arrest, Dawson (4) _______________ (to spend)

Школьная олимпиада 11 класс Гомель

Школьная олимпиада 11 класс TEST IN THE USE OF ENGLISH GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY Form 11 Final total: 68 Time: 45 minutes 1. Open the brackets putting the verbs in the correct tense-form. I (have) ______ just my first book (publish) _________ and the critics on both sides of the Atlantic (be) _________ complimentary, even if