Past Continuous with Side by Side

Gap-fill exercise

Употреби глаголы, данные в скобках, в Past Simple или Past Continuous, затем нажми "Check", чтобы проверить ответы. Не забудь, что в Past Continuous was употребляется с существительными в единственном числе, were - во множественном.
- What (1) you (do) last night when the lights (2) (go) out?
- I (3) (wash) the dishes and my wife (4) (give) the baby a bath.
- I (5) (to wash) my clothes at the laundry and suddenly everything (6) (get) dark.
- My husband and I (7) (watch) TV and our children (8) (do) their homework.
- And what were you doing last night when the lights went out? Excuse me!
- Yeah?
- What were you doing last night when the lights went out?
- Did the lights go out last night?
- Yes, the lights went out all over the town.
- Uh! How about that, I didn´t even know. I (9) (listen) to music all night.
- You (10) (listen) to music but there was no electricity!
- Batteries!