Олимпиады среднего звена (9 класс)
Материалы областной олимпиады по английскому языку
среди учащихся второй ступени общего среднего образования
в 2009/2010 учебном году
9 класс
Восприятие речи на слух
The History of Money
These days, money is high-tech. We have notes and coins which are specially made. We use credit cards. Banks can move millions at the touch of a button. But how did twenty-first-century money develop?
Each country has its own individual culture. That’s as true today as it was thousands of years ago. Each nation has developed its own language, its own religion, arts, form of government; and, of course, its own money.
But why is money universal? The answer is very simple. Without it trade would be impossible and people in any society need to exchange goods in order to survive.
So money is necessary, but what kind of money? Well, in the past most societies used objects.
Some of these were very rare and beautiful ( as shells in Thailand or beads in Africa), others could be eaten or used ( salt was used in Nigeria and tobacco in America). In Rome, the soldiers were even paid in salt!
Early forms of money like these were used to buy goods. They were also used to pay for marriages, fines and debts. But although everyday objects were extremely practical kinds of cash, they had disadvantages, too. For example, it was difficult to divide them or save up for a rainy day.
For reasons such as these, some societies began to use another kind of money. This consisted of metals which were cut into small pieces. People in Mesopotamia ( now part of Iraq) began doing this about 4,500 years ago. Later gold and silver money appeared in Ancient Egypt, China and elsewhere, too.
The first coins were made in Turkey around 700 BC. The coins were so successful that it soon spread to other countries.
Today’s paper money is produced and controlled by governments through a system of banks.
That’s why we talk about bank-notes. Paper money soon became popular in Europe.
Тест на проверку восприятия речи на слух ( 40 points)
The History of Money
1. Which of the following was not used in the text? ( 2 points)
a) banknotes
b) credit cards
c) objects
d) animal skins
2. Put the objects in the order they appear in the text. ( 8 points)
a) coins b) objects used as money c) banknotes d) pieces of metal;
1) —
2) —
3) —
4) —
3. Say if it is true (T) or false (F) according to the text. ( 14 points)
1) Gold and silver money appeared in Ancient Egypt and China.
2) Early forms of money were used to pay for salt.
3) Everyday objects were very practical kinds of cash in many ways.
4) These days money is high-tech and is specially made.
5) In Rome the soldiers were paid in tobacco.
6) Some of the objects people used as money could be eaten.
7) Today’s paper money is produced by banks.
4. Choose the correct answer. ( 6 points)
1) First coins appeared in Turkey around
a) 70 BC
b) 700 BC
c) 7 000 BC
2) People in Mesopotamia ( now part of Iraq) began cutting metal into pieces about
a) 4 500 years ago
b) 450 years ago
c) 45 years ago
3) To save up for a rainy day means
a) to keep for future use
b) to save up for a holiday
c) to save up till the day when it rains
5. Complete the sentences according to the text. ( 10 points)
1) Banks can move millions at the touch of a ___________________.
2) Each country has its own ___________________________.
3) In the past people used ___________________________ as money.
4) Early forms of money were used to ________________________.
5) Everyday objects were difficult to _________________________.
1 — d;
2. 1) -b; 2) — d; 3) — a; 4) — c;
3. 1) — T ; 2) — F; 3) — T; 4) — T; 5) — F; 6) — T; 7) — F;
4. 1) — b; 2) — a; 3) — a;
5. 1) — a button; 2) — money/arts/religion; 3) — objects/tobacco/salt; 4) — buy goods/pay for goods/pay for marriages; 5) — divide/save up for a rainy day;
Лексико-грамматический тест ( 80 points)
1. Choose the right word. ( 3 points)
1) Can I get you ( some/any) coffee? I’ve just made some/any.
2) I doubt that there’s ( something/anything) we can do now.
3) Never trust ( someone/anyone) who has a perfectly tidy desk.
2. Fill in less, the least, fewer, the fewest. ( 6 points)
1) Of all British cars, this one uses ___________ petrol. It also needs ____________ repairs.
2) ________ girls than boys do mathematics at university. This may be because girls get____________ encouragement to study maths at school.
3) As the years went by, they had ____________ things to say, and _________ interest in talking to each other.
4) Do you want more time and _________ money, or more money and _________ time?
5) Liz is very clever, but she has got ___________self-confidence of anyone I know.
6) I’ve had _________ days off work of anybody in the office.
3. Put in the articles where necessary. ( 12 points)
Do you see (1) _________ man standing near (2)_________ door? He works as (3) _______assistant in (4) _________same shop as I do. Well, I saw him the other day and he was driving (5)________ big red Porsche. And do you see (6)________expensive clothes he’s wearing? Where does he get ( 7) _________ money to pay for it all? (8) ________ month ago he hadn’t got (9)________ penny. I told you about (10)________burglary that we had at (11)_________shop, didn’t I? Do you think I should go to (12)_________ police?
4. Put in they, them, their, theirs or another pronoun. ( 10 points)
1) Someone’s left me a note, but __________ haven’t signed it.
2) The person who phoned wouldn’t give ____________ name.
3) Nobody in the club has paid ___________ annual subscription (годовая подписка) yet.
4) I can’t help anybody unless ________ bring all the right documents with ________.
5) If I find out who’s made this mess in the kitchen, I’ll kill ____________.
6) Judy says somebody’s stolen _________ lecture notes.
7) Some idiot has taken my bag and left me ______________.
8) If anyone can fill in this form, ___________’re brighter than me.
9) Nobody will believe me unless I show ____________ the picture.
10) That woman I was talking to had ____________ car stolen yesterday.
5. Are these sentences right (R ) or wrong (Wr)? If it is not, give the right variant. ( 10 points)
1) Is this the teacher’s pen?______________________
2) Are you the Al’s daughter?_________________________
3) Do you know Lesly’s last name?___________________________
4) Here’s the Barry’s address._________________________________
5) Here’s my parents’ address.__________________________________
6) It was the school’s responsibility.______________________________
7) What’s the Wilsons’ number?__________________________________
8) That’s an old friend of Marion’s.______________________________
9) It’s a crazy idea of Alice.________________________________
10) Where is that brother of Carol?______________________________
6. Put in than, as,or that. ( 12 points)
1) It’s ___________ warm ___________ toast in here.
2) It’s later _____________ I thought.
3) I think ____________ she’s Czech.
4) I feel stronger ___________ I did.
5) Can’t you eat faster _________ that?
6) He’s funny _____________ toothpaste.
7) It’ll cost the same ____________ before.
8) The car _________ I saw was too small.
9) The cat seems better ___________ yesterday.
10) There’s the boy____________ broke the window.
11) It’s not as cold ______________ yesterday.
12) She’s got the same job ________ me.
7. Put in which or what. ( 11 points)
1) We’ve got red wine and white — ______________ will you have?
2) __________ books did you read for last year’s English class?
3) __________ of the books on the list have you already read?
4) ____________ French queen said»Let them eat cake»?
5) ___________’s your name?
6) ___________hand do you write with?
7) ___________kind of car have you got?
8) ___________ one is yours?
9) ___________team do you think will win the game?
10) ___________ subject do you prefer, chemistry or physics?
11) ___________ was your favourite subject at primary school?
8. Choose the correct form. ( 10 points)
1) a) a bus’s station b) a bus station
2) a) a toys’ shop b) a toy shop
3) a) the teacher’s office b) the teacher office
4) a) computer’s disks b) computer disks
5) a) my mother’s chair b) my mother chair
6) a) car’s papers b) car papers
7) a) Tom’s plan b) the Tom plan
8) a) a telephone’s box b) a telephone box
9) a) the dog’s toy b) the dog toy
10) a) a horse’s race b) a horse race
9. Rewrite the sentences using can’t. ( 6 points)
eg. Her light’s out. I’m sure she’s not at home. — She can’t be at home.
1) Listen to his accent. He is certainly not American.__________________________
2) He has a very expensive car. I’m sure he’s not a teacher. ____________________
3) She’s very bad-tempered. I feel she doesn’t have many friends. _________________
4) I filled up the car yesterday. I’m sure we don’t need petrol.____________________
5) He had lunch an hour ago. He’s not hungry: it’s impossible. ____________________
6) The cinema’s half empty. I’m sure the film isn’t very good. ____________________
1. 1) — some, some 2) anything 3) anyone/someone
2. 1) the least, the fewest 2) fewer (or less) , less 3) fewer (or less) , less 4) less, less 5) the least 6) the fewest
3. 1) the 2) the 3) an 4) the 5) a 6) the 7) the 8) a 9) a 10) the 11) the 12) the
4. The right answers are the following, but there may be variants:
1) they 2) their 3) their 4) they, them 5) them 6) her 7) theirs 8) they 9) them 10) her
5. 1) -R 2) Are you Al’s daughter? 3) R 4) Here’s Barry’s address 5) R 6) R 7) R 8) R
9) It’s a crazy idea of Alice’s 10) Where is that brother of Carol’s?
6. 1) as, as 2) than 3) that 4) than 5) than 6) as 7) as 8) that 9) than 10) that
11) as 12) as
7. 1) — which 2) what 3) which 4) which/what 5) what 6) which 7) what 8) which
9) which 10) which 11) what
8. 1) b 2) b 3) a 4) b 5) a 6) b 7) a 8) b 9) a 10) b
9. 1) He can’t be American. 2) He can’t be a teacher. 3) She can’t have many friends.
4) We can’t need petrol 5) He can’t be hungry 6) The film can’t be very good.
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