Республиканская олимпиада 2009/2010 11 класс
ЗМРБ 2-2010
Английский язык
XI класс
I. Complete the text with the verbs from the box using them in the correct form.
get | issue | steal | investigate | live | drive off |
tell | ask | go | notice | assume | disassemble |
A 32-year-old man (1) ________ home from work on Friday to find that his shed (2) ________ from his back garden. Martin Graham, who (3) ________ in Francis Road, Darnely (4) us he couldn’t believe his eyes. ‘There was simply nothing there. I thought I (5) ________ into the wrong garden. ‘ A neighbour (6) ________ the strangers in the garden while the shed (7)________ but he (8) ________ that Mr. Graham (19) ________ them to do it. The two men (10) ________ in a white van. The police (11) ________ the case and a description of the suspects (12) ________ .
II. Correct the text by crossing out or inserting articles a/an or the where necessary. Great Wall of the China is one of wonders of modern world, and became UNESCO Heritage site in 1987. It is the one of longest structures in world, and has history of more than a two thousand years. Building of wall began in 7th century ВС as means of defending most of the China from invading people of north. It has average height of ten metres and runs from the east to the west.
III. Choose the best answer (a, b, с or d) for each space.
I’m not sure where Karen is. She (1)______ have been waiting outside her house this morning so that we (2) ______ give her a lift to work, but she wasn’t there. Of course, she might (3) ______ ____ sleeping and didn’t hear us. If she had decided to take the bus, she (4) ______ arrived by now. I hope she isn’t sick.
1 a) may | b) must | c) ought | d) should |
2 a) can | b) can be | c) could | d) could have |
3 a) be | b) been | c) have | d) have been |
4 a) will be | b) will have | c) would be | d) would have |
Liz is helping Sue clean out her flat.
Liz: Did you want to keep all these old books or (5)___________________ ?
Sue: I’m not sure. They look interesting, but (6)__________________ of them would be worth anything.
Liz: So, (7)_____________ of them do you think (8)_______________ going to keep?
5 a) no | b) none | c) not | d) nothing |
6 a) none | b) no one | c) not any | d) nothing |
7 a) for what | b) for which | c) what | d) which |
8 a) are | b) are you | c) you | d) you are |
You can’t borrow more than four books from the library at (9) _____ time.
9 a) anyone b) any one c) everyone d) every one
(10) ____________ money he has comes from his family.
10 a) Which b) That c) What d) Whose
IV. Write a phrasal verb in the correct form to replace the words in italics. Use the word in brackets.
1. A lot of important questions appeared___________________ at the meeting. (up) 2. Could you extinguish__________________ your cigarette, please. (out) 3. The police are investigating__________________ the case. (into) 4. She started________________ her first teaching job in 1950. (up) 5. Don’t forget to complete_________________ your immigration card. (in) 6. You can calculate_______________ the answer by adding these figures. (out) 7. The police signalled him to stop at the side of the road_____________ . (over) 8. The alarm clock didn’t ring_____________________ , so I was late. (off)
V. Complete the sentences below with the correct prepositions.
- The car was moving______ a high speed.
- She beat him_____ chess.
- I have a deep affection______ his mother.
- Is Mark senior______ you?
- The stairs had become slippery_________ wear.
- Admission is obtained________ written application.
- She stared at him_______ open admiration.
- The prices have already fallen________ 3 % compared with last year.
VI. Choose the right variant of spelling.
- July is much drier / dryer than June.
- We’ve bought a new washing machine and clothes drier / dryer.
- I was so embarrassed I nearly died / dyed.
- She died / dyed her hair jet black.
- These turtles are dying / dyeing out.
- The view was truely / truly beautiful.
VII. In each set of three sentences restore the word that completes common set expressions that these sentences contain. Write the word in the space on the right.
Beauty must be more than___________ -deep.
He passed his driving test by the____________ of his teeth. 1)______________
He got soaked to the__________ in this pouring rain.
He is________ over heels in love with her.
Don’t panic! Keep your___________ ! 2)______________
She was dressed from__________ to foot in white.
Poverty goes_________ in_________ with disease.
Give me a_________ with this suitcase, will you? 3)______________
He makes money_________ over fist.
It’s so boring! It’s the same___________ in, _______ out!
Thanks for the flowers! You’ve really made my_______ ! 4)______________
I’ll save some money for a rainy_________ .
Let’s_______ it. We just don’t have enough money.
He ended up with egg on his__________ . 5)_____________
He can’t agree to the conditions without losing___________ .
I’ve won the championship! I’m over the___________ !
I’m not asking for the________ . I just want him to listen to me. 6)________________
Her daughter only visits her once in a blue____________ .
She’s a good teacher. She has a_________ with children.
I went out of my_______ to cook a good meal. 7)________
She led the_______ to the conference hall.
Sheila never goes to nightclubs. She’s a____________ bird really.
Every time we visit them it’s a real___________ from________ . 8)________
The food there was nothing to write___________ about.
VIII. Complete the sentences by changing the form of the word in capitals.
1. The man was charged with__________________ a police officer. PERSON
2. This incident could have done _______________ damage to relations between the two countries. REPAIR
3. The _______ of Professor Ogden’s knowledge impresses everyone who meets him. ВROAD
4. Your article’s a little ____________________ . Maybe you could make this paragraph a bit shorter. WORD
5. I _______ dialed Bob’s number instead of Ken’s, so I was surprised when Bob answered. INTEND
6. The snow made the road completely_____________________ . PASS
7. I’m going to quit my job, move abroad and start completely______________ . NEW
8. Many of the car parts are virtually now as the factory has closed. PLACE
I. (From Macmillan English Grammar in Context)
II. (From Macmillan English Grammar in Context) The Great Wall of thg China is one of the wonders of the modern world, and became a UNESCO Heritage site in 1987. It is the one of the longest structures in the world, and has a history of more than a two thousand years. The building of the wall began in the 7th century ВС as a means of defending most of the China from the(-) invading people of the north. It has an average height of ten metres and runs from the east to the west.
III. (From Oxford Practice Grammar Advanced) 1 d; 2 c; 3 d; 4 d; 5 c; 6 a; 7 d; 8 d; 9 b; 10 c.
IV. (From Cutting Edge Phrase Builder Advanced) 1 came up (pop up, cropped up, were brought up); 2 put out; 3 looking into; 4 took up; 5 fill in; 6 work out (figure out, find out); 7 pull over; 8 go off.
V. (From the Collocations Dictionary) 1 — at, 2 — at, 3 — for, 4 — to, 5 — with, 6 — by, 7 — in, 8 — by.
VI. (From Grammar Scan)
1 — drier, 2 — dryer, 3 — died, 4 — dyed, 5 — dying, 6 — truly.
VII. (From the dictionary of English idioms) 1 — skin, 2 — head, 3 — hand, 4 — day, 5 — face, 6 — moon, 7 — way, 8 — home.
VIII. (From Destinations C1 and C2) 1 — impersonating, 5 -unintentionally, 2 — irreparable, 6 — impassable, 3 — breadth, 7 — anew, 4 — wordy, 8 — irreplaceable.
2. ____ Inexpensive suitcases attract thieves.
3. ____ Eating sweets is dangerous for children during take-off and landing.
4. ____ You should limit the number of toys your child takes abroad.
5. ____Taking addressed envelopes reminds you to contact all your friends.
6. ____Sending holiday photos to your friends is not a good idea, because they are too personal.
7. ____You should shop for things which will actually fit in your suitcase.
8. ____You should keep the receipt of every item you buy.
9. ____At the airport you may be asked about certain items in your luggage.
10. ___Taking care of small details is important.
II. Read the notes below carefully. Listen to a person talking about public telephones. While listening for points 1-10 complete the sentences in the notes with one to three words.
The money ВТ makes from public telephones has decreased (1)___________________________ .
After the invention of the telephone, it took only (2)_______________________________________ for the first phone box to appear.
The first public phones were installed in (3)_______________________________________ .
The phone box was initially referred to as a ‘public (4)____________________________________ . ‘
When they finally appeared on the streets, they were found in (5)_________________________ kiosks. Giles Gilbert Scott wanted to create a phone box that was part of the British (6)_______________________ , just like the post box.
He intended phone boxes to be coloured (7)__________________________ .
Not only did telephone kiosks not disappear during the late 80s, but their number was (8)__________________ .
ВТ has already installed (9)______________________________ Internet kiosks.
Collectors can buy a traditional British phone box for (10)_______________________________________ .
With summer just around the corner, our thoughts turn to holidays. I’d like to share with you a few : ps to ensure that all goes smoothly. First things first, we’ll start with packing. Most toiletry manufacturers seem to make a special point of packaging their products in containers which are either large or heavy. One way to cut down on the weight in your bag is to buy some small bottles and pour into them just enough shampoo or shower gel for the holiday. Another idea is to collect samples of toiletries throughout the year, ready for when holiday time comes around. What else needs to go in the suitcase? It’s a good idea to take a few odds and ends with you such as an alarm clock, washing powder, and an adapter plug for foreign sockets. Still on the subject of packing, let’s look at suitcases. To keep your cases safe, keep them simple! If you use very expensive designer suitcases you will invite theft. A simple case won’t be noticed as much by thieves. Make sure your case is hard to open and has a tough strap around it too as this will further deter thieves. Let’s talk about the journey itself now. If you’re flying with young children, a pocketful of sweets can >ave tears. Children’s ears will be less affected by air pressure changes in the cabin of the aircraft during take-off and landing, if they suck a sweet. Another point about travelling with children is carrying all the toys they want to take with them. This can be a nightmare for parents because some children want to take every toy they possess away with them on holiday! You can get around this problem by giving them a small bag of their own and telling them they can take anything they like, as long as it fits in the bag. Remember, if your children have a happy holiday, then so will you. Once you’ve reached your destination, and you’ve spent a few days seeing the sights and relaxing, you’ll probably want to send a few postcards home to tell everyone about it. If you don’t know your friends’ addresses by heart, you can write out their addresses on self-adhesive labels before you leave home. Then after you’ve written your postcards, just stick a label on the back and pop them in the post. The labels which remain will remind you of the friends you haven’t sent a postcard to, and no one will be forgotten! One more idea is to send photographs instead of postcards. They are much more personal, and everyone at home will be able to see what you’re up to. Many of us enjoy shopping when we’re away from home and often when we’re on holiday we spot bargains or find souvenirs that we want to take back with us, but we don’t have much room in our suitcase. The solution is to carry an extra fold-up bag in the bottom of your case, that way you’ll have enough space to carry everything on your return journey. One more tip related to buying things: if you purchase something expensive, it’s a good idea to keep the receipt with you at the airport when you’re going home. That way, if you’re questioned by customs officials about the item, you’ve got proof of purchase. Keeping receipts can save you a lot of time and trouble. So those are my tips for a happy and trouble-free holiday. Little things mean a lot, they can make or break a holiday. If you have some of your own holiday tips, I’d love to hear from you…
1. F, 2. F, 3. F, 4. T, 5. T, 6. F, 7. F, 8. F, 9. T, 10. T. II. by half/ in 1884, 2. eight years, 3. shops, 4. call office, 5. wooden, 6. culture, 7. silver, 8. doubled, 9. a thousand, 10. two thousand pounds. 2 points should be awarded for every correct answer. Total maximum is 40 points. If the answer is not complete, awarding 0. 5, 1 or 1. 5 points is advisable.