Types of Schools in the UK Form 10

Additional practice material to Unit 3 Lesson 3 Form 10 N. V. Yukhnel and others.
Learn the definitions by working with the uploaded interactive exercises. Get ready to speak about the types of schools in  the UK.

1. primary school

2. secondary school

3. independent school

4. private school

5.  public school

6. comprehensive school

7. grammar school

8. mixed sex school

9. selective school

10. fee-paying school

11. free school

a)  a school which does not receive financial support from the government

b) a school where you pay money to go to

c) a school for young children

d) a school that accepts students according to their test results

e) Brit : a private school that prepares students for college or for public service

f) a school where you don’t have to pay anything for education

g) a school where boys and girls study together

h) in Britain, a school which does not receive money from the government

i) a school in Britain for children over the age of 11 who have to pass a special examination to go there

j) a school in Britain for children above the age of eleven in which children of all abilities are taught

k) a school for children between the ages of 11 and 16 or 18


1. primary school

2. secondary school

3. independent school

4. private school

5. public school

6. comprehensive school

7. grammar school

8. mixed sex school

9. selective school

10. fee-paying school

11. free school

1. a school for young children2. a school for children between the ages of 11 and 16 or 18

3. in Britain, a school which does not receive money from the government

4. a school which does not receive financial support from the government

5. Brit : a private school that prepares students for college or for public service

6. a school in Britain for children above the age of 11 in which children of all abilities are taught

7. a school in Britain for children over the age of 11 who have to pass a special examination to go there

8. a school where boys and girls study together

9. a school that accepts students according to their test results

10. а school where you pay money to go to

11. a school where you don’t have to pay anything for education


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