Районная олимпиада 10 класс 2010/2011 Гомельская область

Районная олимпиада 2010/2011, Гомельская область

10 клacc, английский язык, 2010
Total score   80 points
Mistakes     _
Final score   _

Лексико-грамматический тест

I. Use only one word in each space.

Hundreds of thousands of fans travel worldwide to watch … (1) favourite sport — an international match, a tennis championship, a Formula One Grand Prix.
In recent years … (2) has been a huge increase in sports tourism. … (3) longer are people content to …. (4) in an armchair to watch their teams or sporting stars on television. They want to be … (5) the action is,  … (6) they pack their bags and head straight for the airport. In … (7) to the usual sporting events, the Olympic Games are held … (8) four years. The Olympics may only last a couple of weeks, but … (9) affect the host city for several years before. New facilities … (10) to be built, not just for the games themselves … (11) also for the thousands of international visitors … (12) come to stay. The effects are also felt outside the host city … (13) many visitors choose to explore the surrounding region, and this … (14) a lasting effect on tourism in the country. For example, … (15) the 1992 Olympic Games were held in Barcelona, in Spain, the city has … (16) an extremely popular tourist destination.

Marks: 16

II. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.

1. A cold makes you speak ***. NOSE
2. Gradually opera is winning new ***. DEVOTE
3. The poor *** looked silly trying to *** the role of Hamlet. BEG, PORTRAIT
4. Many people have  *** about astrology. CONCEPT
5. He has always tried to *** the down-and-outs. FRIEND
6. The road makes a sharp *** just past the lake. DESCEND
7. It is the French blood, mixing the *** with the ***. ROMANCE
8. He tried to *** himself by going to night-school. GOOD

Marks: 10

III. Choose the right word or phrase to complete these sentences:

1. The horse and trap … the predecessor of the motor car.
A. has been
B. have been
C. was
D. were

2. This_harvest was not so bad as_….
A. year / the last year
B. year / last years’
C. year’s / last year’s
D. year’s / the last year’s

3. There existed two … before the fall of the Berlin Wall.
A. Germans
B. German
C. Germanies
D. Germanys

4. Everyone has  … individual opinions.
A . their
B. theirs
C. its
D. his or hers

5. Does … have … suggestion?
A. someone / any other
B. anyone / others
C. anyone /another
D. anyone / any other

6. What! Buy a house on my salary? You !
A. might joke
B. may joke
C. must be joking
D. may be joking

7. I overheard …  to her father.
A. them talking
B. they talked
C. them to talk
D. they talk

8. She didn’t come in time, she was held up in a traffic jam.
A. because
B. for
C. because of
D. due

9. He got the job… surprised us all
A. what
B. that
C. which
D. whose

10. Sergeant Simmonds grinned ….
A. well-nature
B. well-naturally
C. good-natural
D. good-naturedly

11. Look___!
A. above
B. overhead
C. up
D. overhead

12. It was hard to describe the nightmare she had lived.
A. On
B. with
C. through
D. up to

13. If you really … me, you … someone else.
A. had loved / would marry
B. loved / will marry
C. loved / will have married
D. loved / would have married

Marks: 13

IV. Fill each of the blanks with the appropriate preposition if necessary:

1. They met in August and were married … a month.
2. The mother didn’t realize the child was … hearing.
3. Animals-migrate … instinct.
4. I apologize … you …jumping … the wrong conclusion.
5. We are answerable … the company … the use of this equipment.
6. But you’ll have to leave by Monday … the latest.
7. Peter is good … his hands.

Marks: 10

V. In each sentence there is a mistake. Find it and correct it:

1. It’s time you casted away(1) those dull clothes(2) and bought some(3) cheerful ones(4).
2. At the mention of Freddie Daeres people’s eyebrows went up a little.
3. If someone drives bv and sees(1) you standing(2) here it’ll (3) get suspicious.(4)
4. The king’s(1) army had 1.000 foot soldiers (2) and 200 horses.(3)
5. Get a good night rest(1), men(2), we join battle (3) with the enemy at first light(4).

VI. Insert ARTICLES, if necessary:

On 23 January 1960, Dr Jacques Piccard and Lieutenant Don Walsh of_(1) US Navy dived almost 11 kilometres to_(2) bottom of__ (3) Marianas Trench in_(4) Pacific Ocean. They made their death- defying descent in_(5) bathyscaphe,_(6) sort of_(7) mini sub, called Trieste. It took _(8) nail- biting four hours, and 48 minutes to reach_(9) bottom. At any moment Trieste might have cracked under_(10) pressure of all_(11) water weighing down on it. But it was worth __(12) worry. When they switched on_(13) floodlights they saw__(14) world no one had ever seen before. Their treacherous trip took eight and_(15) half hours-_(16) record-breaking dive that still stands today.

0,5 x 16= Marks. 8

VII. Use the correct tense form:

1. I … on my feet all day, it’s time you … some work.
A. am/do
B. am being / have done
C. have been /did
D. have been/do

2. We … a biology exam tomorrow, and I … any work for it yet.

A. are having / didn’t do
B. will have/ didn’t do
C. have/haven’t done
D. will have /hadn’t done

3. I … the shopping for you if you … tired

A. ‘ll do/feel
B. ‘ll do / are feeling
C. ‘d do / had been feeling
D. will do / have been feeling

4. Since the time …in, we … .

A. came / left
B. was coming / have left
C. had come / are living
D. was coming / left

5. My car … well since it ….

A. is behaving / was repaired
B. has behaved/ had been repaired
C. behaves / has been repaired
D. has been behaving / was repaired

6. He_alcohol and drugs … in his early teens and … of school when he … 18.

A. used / dropped / was
B. was using / dropped / was
C. was using / was dropped / has been
D. had used / dropped / was

7. Congratulations! I  … you … all your exams.

A. heard /had passed
B. hear / passed
C. have heard / have passed
D. have heard / passed

8. She_a lot in the short time since she_with the company.

A. achieved /is
B. achieved I was
C. has achieved / was
D. has achieved / has been

9. The audience …. as the magician … the girl in half.

A. was gaping / sawed
B. were gaping / had sawed
C. gaped/sawed
D. gaped / had sawn

Marks: 9

VIII. English proverbs and sayings:

1. The face is the index of the … .
A. destiny
B. health
C. mind
D. wealth

2. Every family has a black ….
A. dog
B. sheep
C. Merc
D. carpet

3. Where there is a will there is a … .
A. headache
B. pill
C. seal
D. way

Marks: 3

IX. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word:

When the Council announced it was (1)_to build the new by-pass, thousands of local residents (2)_ joining the protest campaign. Some objected that the plans (3)_ several old cottages being demolished. Others couldn’t (4)_to see 500 hectares of beautiful grassland bulldozed. Many weren’t necessarily against the road: what they (5)_was not being consulted in advance. But protest is not what it used to be. Within six months most had (6)_to care.

1. A) suggesting B) planning on C) proposing D) advising
2. A) didn’t hesitate B) contemplated C) wanted D) were keen on
3. A) intended B) led C) resulted D) meant
4. A) stand B)bear C) accept D) consider
5. A) minded B) refused C) objected D) cared
6. A) finished B) quit C) ceased D) given

Marks: 6

Total: 80

10 класс, английский язык,2010

Текст для аудирования

New words:

Mr John Frances
witness — быть свидетелем
Mr Bloom
grim — жестокий, страшный
Jean Henri Dunant
famine – голод
vulnerable — уязвимый

                            The Red Cross

Chairperson: Good afternoon, everyone. We’re delighted to welcome today a representative from the Red Cross, Mr John Francis, who is going to talk to us about the work of the organisation and about some basic aspects of First Aid.

John Francis: Thank you, Mr Bloom. Well, I’d like to start by giving you some background and then talk about what you would learn on one of our courses. Er, is everyone familiar with the work of the Red Cross?

The Red Cross movement was started by a man called Jean Henri Dunant who was a businessman fromSwitzerland. His interest in the condition of innocent people caught up in war began in 1859 when he witnessed the effects of a very grim battle inItaly. At the time, he organised all the villagers to help the wounded soldiers and make sure they had food and basic medical attention. A few years later, in 1864, the same gentleman, together with four Swiss colleagues, organised a conference which laid the foundations for the now. famous organisation. This was the First Geneva Convention.

So that Red Cross workers could always be recognised, they created their own emblem, rather like a country has its own flag. They chose a red cross on a white background.

The Red Cross operates in just about every country of the world, helping people caught up in famine and war and the emblem is internationally recognised as a symbol of protection and neutrality.

So concerned are the organisers of the Red Cross about the importance of their emblem that it is, in fact, protected by the laws of the Geneva Convention. Sometimes we find that the red cross has been used as a decorative symbol or to indicate first aid stations but this is actually wrong because using the emblem for anything other than the international organisation is actually against the law. Even though we tend to associate a red cross with hospitals and medical treatment… which, in a way, isn’t surprising, … in Australia, as in many countries, the recognised symbol for first aid and medical centres is not a red cross on a white background but, in fact, a white cross on a green background.

John Francis: Now that’s the global picture. But what about the local scene? I work for the Australian Red Cross and my job is to train people in basic first aid, which is the name we give to the initial care of the sick or injured.

There are four aims of First Aid, known as the four P’s. They are, first and foremost, to preserve life. That is the number one objective of the first aider. Then, the second aim is to protect the victim especially if the victim is actually unconscious. The third ‘P is to prevent the condition from getting worse and lastly to promote recovery. So that’s preserve life, protect the victim, prevent things from worsening and promote recovery. And we’ll be looking at all of those in some detail during the course.

As a trained First Aider, you could be called upon at any time because accidents invariably happen when they are least expected. Unfortunately, by far the most common cause of injury in our country is on the road, where motor vehicle accidents account for 45% of all accidents. This is followed -and you may be surprised to hear this — by people falling -falling out of windows or trees, falling off walls or simply falling over. Falls account for 21% of all accidents. Then there are accidents that happen at work where machinery is used. They account for 15% of the injuries. InAustralia, water is unfortunately another big cause for concern. Each year many people drown in swimming pools or at the beach and 7% of accidental injuries are related to water. Another cause of injury is poisoning. Our houses are full of products and chemicals for cleaning the floor or killing insects in the garden. Small children are particularly vulnerable here because they cannot read the warnings on the bottles and so poisoning accounts for 55 % of injuries.

Now, as a first aider you need a basic understanding of what the human body consists of and how it works. So we are going to start by looking at the organs…

класс 10, английский язык, 2010

Тест по аудированию

The Red Cross

1. Listen to the talk and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Jean Henri Dunant was a citizen of (1)___________________. In 1859  inItalyhe helped wounded soldiers, provided food and (2) ______________________________. In 1864 the same gentleman together with four colleagues organized a conference which was the first (3) _____________________ .

The Red Cross operates in areas of famine and (4) ___________ . The red cross was chosen as an emblem to symbolize their activities. Misuse of the emblem is (5) __________________.

InAustraliathe colours used to indicate First Aid are (6) ____________  and ____________ .

2True or False             

  1. John Francis, a representative from the Red Cross, cures people.
  2. The red cross is used to indicate first aid stations.
  3. People tend to associate a red cross with hospitals and medical treatment.
  4. Most of accidents inAustraliahappen at factories.
  5. A trained First Aider could be called upon at any time.

3. Note down four aims of First Aid.






4. Match accidental injuries in Australia to their percentage

1) road accidents

2) poisoning

3) work accidents

4) water

5) falling

a) 5 %

b) 21 %

c) 45 %

d) 15 %

e) 7 %



  1. their
  2. there
  3. no
  4. sit
  5. where
  6. so
  7. comparison
  8. every
  9. they
  10. have
  11. but
  12. who
  13. as
  14. makes
  15. since
  16. become


  1. nasally
  2. devotees
  3. beggar / portray
  4. misconception
  5. befriend
  6. descent
  7. romantic / practical
  8. better


  1. c
  2. c
  3. d
  4. a
  5. d
  6. c
  7. a
  8. b
  9. c
  10. d
  11. d
  12. c
  13. d


  1. within
  2. within
  3. by
  4. to / for / to
  5. to / for
  6. at
  7. with


  1.  – cast
  2.  – at mention
  3.  – they’ll
  4.  – horse (soldiers)
  5.  – a good night’s  rest


  1. the
  2. the
  3. the
  4. the
  5. a
  6. a
  7. a
  8. the
  9. the
  10. the
  11. the
  12. the
  13. a
  14. a
  15. a


  1. c
  2. c
  3. b
  4. d
  5. d
  6. b
  7. b
  8. d
  9. c


  1. c
  2. b
  3. d


  1. C
  2. B
  3. D
  4. B
  5. A
  6. C


  [FORM 10]



  1. Switzerland
  2. medical attention
  3. Geneva Convention
  4.  war
  5. against the law
  6. white and green/ green and white


  1. False
  2. False
  3. True
  4. False
  5. True


  1. preserve life
  2. protect the victim
  3. prevent things from worsening
  4. promote recovery


  1.  c)
  2. a)
  3. d)
  4. e)
  5. b)
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