Open Cloze

Упражнения Open Cloze представляют собой небольшой текст с пропущенными словами без вариантов ответа. Вставить нужно одно слово. Этим словом может быть что угодно: глагол, часть сказуемого, местоимение, артикль, одна из степеней сравнения прилагательного, фразовый глагол или предлог от фразового глагола. Иногда оговаривается количество букв в слове. Например, в последнем РТ указывается, что слово должно состоять не более чем из 15 символов. (Зачем писать в задании о 15 символах и пугать учеников? Может, в немецком языке такое и возможно, но не в английском.) Это часть B, задания В5-В7.

Каким образом выполнять задания Open Cloze?

1. Прочитайте текст, не обращая внимания на пропущенные слова.
2. Перечитайте текст ещё раз, обращая внимание на присутствующие подсказки.
3. Обратите  внимание на часть речи.
4. Помните, что в заданиях ЦТ, в отличие от FCE,  допустим только один вариант.
5. Впишите свой ответ в клеточки заглавными буквами, данными в образце.

Приведём несколько примеров подобных упражнений.  Не пугайтесь, в заданиях ЦТ вам предстоит справиться всего с тремя пунктами.

The History Of Soap

For questions 1-12, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).



The earliest soap in history was probably produced around five thousand years (0)___ in Ancient Babylon. Archeologists (1)___ found ancient tablets with writing on them (2)___ seem to describe a formula for making soap. (3)___ the Romans probably knew how to manufacture soap as well, (4)___ is believed that they only used it (5)___ washing fabrics and actually cleaned their bodies in a totally different (6)___ . An ancient Egyptian papyrus from around 1550 B.C. also refers to soap manufacture.The first soaps that we would recognise today were produced by Muslim chemists in the mediaeval Islamic world around 1000 A.D. (7)___ soaps were not only made from similar materials (8)___ also included colouring and perfume in some cases.But it was not (9)___ the Nineteenth Century that large-scale soap production began making a product that was cheap (10)___ for everybody to afford it. In 1862, Andrew Pears and (11)___ granson, Francis opened the Pears soap factory in Isleworth in London. Today, Pears has become (12)___ of the best known brands of soap in the world.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Fast food

The concept of “fast food” is very important in English-speaking countries (0) for   one major reason: the working day starts at around the same time (1)___ in European countries, but finishes (2)___earlier, typically at about five o’clock in (3)___ evening when the offices, banks and many of the shops begin to close. As a result, there’s not much time for lunch, (4)___ many people bring something from home to eat at their desks, (5)___ with a cup of tea or instant coffee made with the office kettle, (6)___ than going out to a restaurant for a “proper” lunch as do many European office workers, (7)___ usually finish work much later in the evening.

For (8)___ who prefer to get out of the office to have a break or (9)___ fresh air, there are the various fast food options (10)___ as sandwiches, Cornish pasties, burgers, kebaps, or fish and chips, many of (11)
___ can be eaten “on the move”, (12) ___ even the need to sit down! Only on special occasions is a British office worker likely to eat lunch in a restaurant. (13)___ someone’s birthday, promotion, engagement or retirement, for example, a group of colleagues will eat together in a pub or restaurant. It is for this reason (14)___ foreign visitors are often surprised (15)___ the lack of affordable, good quality, places to have lunch in the major British cities.



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