Темы устных высказываний 11 класс, областная олимпиада 2011/2012
Материалы областной олимпиады этого года присланы мне давно, но обработать их для блога по определённым причинам проблематично. Ограничусь пока темами для устных высказываний. Представляю вашему вниманию материалы по устной речи для 11 класса.
1. Be quick to hear and slow to speak.
Are you a good listener?
Whose advice do you always follow and why?
In what situations is it most difficult for you to express your thoughts?
What does one need to become a good speaker?
2. Better late than never.
Have you ever felt that you have missed your opportunities?
How do you see yourself in ten years’ time?
If you could change one thing in your past, what would it be?
What things do you usually put off as long as possible?
3. Custom is a second nature.
What habits would you like to get rid of?
What family traditions do you have?
What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
What habits do you find particularly annoying?
4. East or West – home is best.
How can you make your guests feel like at home?
If you had a chance to travel for free, where would you go?
Describe your longest journey.
How long does it take you to get homesick?
5. Every dark cloud has a silver lining.
Is it possible to be an optimist all the time?
Who do you turn to when you are in trouble?
Have you ever helped anyone in a really difficult situation?
How can one achieve success in life?
6. Good name is better than riches.
What is your attitude to money?
Would you rather be rich or famous?
What features of character do you find attractive in other people?
Who do you admire?
7. Haste makes waste.
What advice would you give to a person who is always late?
What three things do you think you should manage to do in your life?
Why do you think punctuality is important?
How do you usually save time?
8. If you cannot have the best, make the best of what you have.
Do you have any regrets about lost opportunities?
What are the most valuable things in your life?
Who is the most optimistic person you know?
Who usually helps you in difficult situations?
9. It takes all sorts to make a world.
Do you get along with your classmates and family members?
What features of character do you admire in people?
What features of character do you find annoying?
Would you call yourself a leader or a follower and why?
10. Little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
What should a good language specialist be like?
Have you ever made a serious mistake because of lack of knowledge?
Who is the most knowledgeable person you know?
Is a lot of knowledge always good?
11. Lost time is never found again.
How do you usually save time?
What are the most time-consuming activities for you?
What do you usually do in your free time?
How do you usually plan your weekdays and weekends?
12. Man is known by the company he keeps.
Describe your best friend.
What kind of person would you never be friends with?
What is the best way to make friends?
Do you trust your first impression of a person you meet?
13. Never do things by halves.
Do you like working hard?
What kind of activities do you never get tired of?
What’s the best way to develop self-discipline?
What activities do you find particularly difficult to accomplish?
14. Where there is a wish there is a way.
What are your main ambitions in life?
What is the most effective way to remember new study material?
What is more important for success – natural abilities or hard work?
What is the most challenging thing in learning English?
15. No man is wise at all times.
Do you often make mistakes?
What mistake are you most afraid to make?
Is it possible to learn from other people’s mistakes?
What is the best way to become wise?
16. One lie makes many.
In what situations is it difficult to be honest?
Can you usually tell if someone is lying?
What do you think makes people lie?
Who is the most honest person you know?
17. So many men, so many minds.
In what situations do you ask for advice?
What activities do you like doing together with .other people?
Do you think mass media can make people think alike?
Who do you usually share your ideas with?
18. Money makes the world go round.
What is your attitude to money?
What would you rather be – rich or famous?
If you were rich, how would you invest your money?
What things in life are impossible to buy?
19. There is no place like home.
Describe the house of your dreams.
Have you ever been homesick?
If you had to live away from home for a year what country would you choose?
What things make your home cosy?
20. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Who is your best friend?
What docs it take to be a good friend?
Your parents can’t be your friends, can they?
What common interests do you have with your friends?
21. Necessity is the mother of invention.
Are you an inventive person?
What do you think is the greatest invention of the 21st century?
Do you think boys are more inventive than girls?
When was the last time you had a clever plan?
22. A change is as good as rest.
What is your idea of a perfect holiday?
Have you ever tried to change your lifestyle?
What is the most tiring activity for you?
What is the most relaxing activity for you?
23. Hardships in life only make us stronger.
What do you usually do when you find yourself in a difficult situation?
Who gives you the best advice when you are in trouble?
Have you ever helped anyone in a really difficult situation?
How can one achieve success in life?
24. Describe a book that produced a great impression on you.
Have you got many books at home?
How do you choose the book you want to read?
Who is your favourite writer?
Who is your favourite literary character?
25. Describe the person who has greatly inspired you.
Have you ever talked to a well-known person?
Who do you think can be called an outstanding person?
What famous public figures of Belarus do you know?
If you had a choice to be rich or famous, which would you choose
Ооо знакомые темы 🙂
Их не меняют что ли?
21-ю когда-то вытянул ))
Меняют или нет — это мне неизвестно, Андрюша. Но попадаются иногда неожиданные темы.