The English-Speaking Union (ESU)
The ESU brings together and empowers people of different languages and cultures.
In this article I’d like to acquaint you with a UK charity organisation known as the English-Speaking Union. It was established by Royal Charter with Her Majesty The Queen as patron and His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh as President with the aims to promote:
1. The mutual advancement of education of the English-speaking peoples of the world, in particular respecting their heritage, traditions and aspirations, the events and issues of the day affecting them, their inter-relationships and
2. The use of English as a shared language and means of international communication of knowledge and understanding: provided always that these are at all times pursued in a non-political and non-sectarian manner.
Now I suggest that you watch a video from Belarus National Final — a competition of public speakers which was held by the British Embassy in Minsk last year. This competition is only one of the programmes initiated by the ESU. To get information about other programmes for schools and universities see this site.
I’ve chosen this particular video with a winner-girl speaking though on Youtube there are still more videos. Believe me, it was a real pleasure to watch all of them. All the participants deserve praise and attention. Maybe these videos could in some way inspire our best pupils to look at the language from a differenet, more enthusiastic side, to set aims and to achieve them. The reward is a visit to London!
There’s nothing impossible in this world but it’s up to a person to find his or her ways. Do you agree?
The Public Speaking Competition started 29 years ago and in Belarus it takes place since 2007. I think it’s a good chance for young talanted people to attain their ambitions.
One more glimpse of Belarus National Final of the Competition:
There’s a lot of things one should learn and do in this life but personally I believe that a person must be very ambitious in a good sense of the word to succeed. And if there’s at least one chance — use it.