Билет № 9. Life in the city and in the country
Для тех, кто пользуется билетами с ForteE. Будьте внимательны, часть вопросов составлена мной, они могут не соответствовать тому, что даётся в билетниках. В основу билетов 9-10 положена тема My village, в то время как билетник даёт My flat и Types of houses.
аssure — уверять
breathe – дышать
nevertheless – тем не менее, как бы то ни было
prefer – предпочитать
provide – обеспечивать, предоставлять
means of entertainment – развлечения
opportunities – возможности
exception – исключение
though – хотя
advantages and disadvantages – преимущества и недостатки
Билет №9
1. Let’s talk about life in the city and in the country. Why do young people prefer living in town?
2. Where would you like to live: in a city or in the country?
3. What questions will you ask your friend about the place where he/she lives?
4. What would you advice а foreigner who doesn’t know where to live?
5. East or West, home is best. Do you agree with it?
Билет №9 |
1. Let’s talk about life in the city and in the country. Why do young people prefer living in town? | 1. I live in a village and, I assure you, living in the country is not bad. 2. You breathe fresh air. You feel safer than in a big city. You can enjoy the beauty of nature. In the country you can rest from the noise of a big city. 3. Nevertheless, most young people prefer living in town. 4. First, town life provides all means of entertainment. Second, in a city it’s easier to find a good job. 5. Third, there are more opportunities for children if you have got a family. 6. For these reasons I would rather live in a big city, too. |
2. Where would you like to live: in a city or in the country? | Town life has always been attractive to all young men. I’m not an exception. |
3. What questions will you ask your friend about the place he/she lives in? | Do you live in the country or in town? Do you live in a house or in a flat? Is there a garden near your house? Do you like your village? |
4. What would you advice foreigner who doesn’t know where to live? | If I were you, I would live in the country. |
5. East or West, home is best. Do you agree with it? | I agree. Every person loves the place where he or she was born. |
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