18 ноября 2013
Card 22. Environment
Билет 22
1. Let’s talk about the environment. People say that our planet is in danger. Do you share this opinion?
2. What do you think people should do to protect the environment?
3. What would you like to ask your British friend about measures that are taken to protect the environment in Britain?
4. A friend of yours wants to develop a programme to protect the city where he lives. Give him a piece of advice.
5. Green School of the Year contest is held in the country and you want your school to enter it. Give ideas for some ’green events’.
Билет 22 |
1. Let’s talk about the environment. People say that our planet is in danger. Do you share this opinion? | 1. The environment is the natural world around us: air, water, trees, flowers, animals, birds and insects. 2. Nature has served people for many years, but people’s interference in nature has increased and the results are dramatic.3. Nowadays mankind faces numerous problems which threaten our environment. 4.The most serious ecological problems are: noise from cars and buses; destruction of wildlife and countryside beauty; shortage of natural resources; the growth of population; pollution in its many forms 5. People understand that the planet needs their immediate help if they want to survive and they take measures to protect nature. |
2. What do you think people should do to protect the environment? | 6. People should stop wasting paper to save trees and limit unnecessary car journeys to prevent air pollution. 7. People shouldn’t use gas and water carelessly. |
3. What would you like to ask your British friend about measures that are taken to protect the environment in Britain? | 8. 1. What measures are taken by your government to protect rare animals and birds? 2. Are there any civil societies in Britain that aim at nature protection? 3. What does your government do to protect marine species? 4. Do your mass media share knowledge on nature protection? |
4. A friend of yours wants to develop a programme to protect the city where he lives. Give him a piece of advice. | 9. If I were you I would carry out a research on the use of private cars and their bad influence on the atmosphere and then, with the results, I would draw people’s attention to the problem. |
5. Green School of the Year contest is held in the country and you want your school to enter it. Give ideas for some ’green events’. | 10. I think shooting a 2-minute video about animals in danger and people’s help to them would be a good idea. |
Вопрос 2. Можно заменить на: People should use public transport instead of private cars to reduce air pollution. They should recycle paper and cardboard to save trees.
6 комментариев
А почему » Environment is the nature » ? Должно быть » The environment is nature …»
Татьяна Викторовна, с the в начале соглашусь, хотя по мне так и без артикля неплохо, звучит как слово из словарной статьи с дефиницией. В вопроснике дают без артикля, я и не стала мудрить. А around us считаю лимитирующим определением к nature.
Всё равно не согласна! Nature — природа, без артикля.
Это хорошо, что Вы не согласны, есть для меня повод повторить употребление артиклей.
А как насчёт вот этого в задании билета: Let’s talk about environment?
Данную глупость от составителей вопросов я объяснить не могу. Либо «Let’s talk about THE environment», либо «Let’s talk about environmental problems».
Вот! Это я и хотела услышать. Спасибо!