Промежуточный контроль. Form 5 Card 24

Очередная карточка для промежуточного контроля в 5 классе в рамках темы «Our wonderful world» (Unit 8) посвящена диким животным и образованию наречий от прилагательных (Lesson 3).

Version-1 (front side) Version-1 (back side)
1) Match         

1. a kangaroo       A. панда

2. a rhino              B. пингвин

3. a penguin         C. коала

4. a whale            D. кенгуру

5. a koala             E. кит

6. a panda            F. носорог


2) Translate

1. an ostrich

2. a shark

3. a camel

4. a dolphin

5. a lizard

6. an octopus

3) Guess the riddles about wild animals

1. These birds are brown and white. They can fly very high and very fast.

2. These animals are white. They live in Antarctica and like cold weather. They eat fish and can swim very well.

3. These animals live in grasslands. They are big. They can run very fast.


4) Build adverbs from the adjectives

1. beautiful ->

2. slow ->

3. fast ->

4. quick ->

Version-2  (front side) Version-2  (back side)
1) Match         

1. a polar bear       A. коала

2. a dolphin           B. леопард

3. a cheetah           C. белый медведь

4. a lizard              D. дельфин

5. an octopus        E. ящерица

6. a koala              F. осьминог


2) Translate

1. an eagle

2. a penguin

3. a rhino

4. a panda

5. a kangaroo

6. a whale

3) Guess the riddles about wild animals

1. These fish live in oceans or seas. They have big teeth. They can swim very fast.

2. These birds can’t fly, but they can run very fast. They live in grasslands.

3. These animals are brown or orange. People ride them in deserts.


4) Build adverbs from the adjectives

1. good ->

2. noisy ->

3. loud ->

4. quiet ->



Version-1 Keys Version-2 Keys
1)         2)

1.D       1. страус

2.F       2. акула

3.B       3. верблюд

4.E       4. дельфин

5.C       5. ящерица

6. A      6. осьминог


3) 1. eagles 2. polar bears 3. cheetahs


4) 1. beautifully 2. slowly 3. fast 4. quickly

1)         2)

1.C       1. орел

2.D       2. пингвин

3.B       3. носорог

4.E       4. панда

5.F       5. кенгуру

6. A      6. кит


3) 1. sharks 2. ostriches 3. camels


4) 1. well 2. noisily 3. loudly 4. quietly


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