Промежуточный контроль. Form 5 Card 25

Вот и последняя карточка для промежуточного контроля в 5 классе по Unit 8 «Our wonderful world». Два первых задания посвящены лексике, а еще два других — грамматике (простое будущее время и предлоги направления движения). Для двух последних заданий при  необходимости дайте образцы выполнения, можно написать также варианты предлогов на доске.

Version-1 (front side) Version-1 (back side)
1) Match         

1. a forest             A. поле

2. a swamp           B. озеро

3. a field               C. луг

4. a meadow         D. холм

5. a lake                E. болото

6. a hill                  F. лес


2) Translate

1. an elk

2. a hedgehog

3. a stork

4. a bison

3) Write the verbs in Future Simple

1. I (to learn) this poem tomorrow evening.

2. My parents (not to go) to the theatre next week.

3. It (to be) cold tomorrow?

4. My friend (to come) to Minsk next month.

5. They (to go) to California next year?

6. She (not to write) a letter to him.


4) Fill in the right preposition

1. Children go __ the beautiful forest.

2. Go ___ the cave and hide there.

3. We are on the top. Now we go __.


Version-2  (front side) Version-2  (back side)
1) Match         

1. a river               A. поле

2. a  meadow        B. река

3. a forest              C. луг

4. a hill                  D. холм

5. a field                E. болото

6. a swamp            F. лес


2) Translate

1. a wild boar

2. a beaver

3. a lynx

4. a deer

3) Write the verbs in Future Simple

1. Nick (to go) to school tomorrow?

2. I (to visit) my granny next Sunday.

3. He (not to watch) this film.

4. Liz (to come) to Mike tomorrow morning.

5. They (to make) a trip to Minsk next month?

6. She (not to be) in London next year.


4) Fill in the right preposition

1. We will go __ the meadow and pick flowers.

2. The rain was over and we went ___ the cave.

3. First you go __ the hill.


Version-1 Keys Version-2 Keys
1)         2)

1.F       1. лось

2.E       2. ёж

3.A       3. аист

4.C       4. зубр




3) 1. will learn 2. won’t go 3. Will it be? 4. will come 5. Will they go? 6. won’t write


4) 1. through 2. into 3. down

1)         2)

1.B       1. дикий кабан

2.C       2. бобер

3.F       3. рысь

4.D       4. олень




3) 1. Will you go? 2. will visit 3. won’t watch 4. will come 5. Will they make? 6. won’t be


4) 1. across 2. out of 3. up


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