Good friends are like stars. Form 9
Рабочий лист к Lesson 6 Unit 2 Form 9. Чтение и подготовка к монологическому высказыванию по прочитанному. Подготовка монологического высказывания из 10-15 предложений задаётся на дом. Рабочий лист направлен на снятие лексических трудностей.
Form 9 Unit 2 Lesson 6. Good friends are like stars
Предтекстовый этап
I. Read and translate:
secret – tell a secret, keep a secret, never tell someone a secret. Don’t let the cat out of the bag — а secret is a secret.
to gossip – gossip, turn into gossip. Don’t say anything that may turn into gossip.
to care – to care for, care for friends, care for each other. Best friends care for each other. Write your friend notes to show that you care.
to listen – a listener, to listen carefully, to be a good listener. It’s important to be a good listener. Nobody likes a friend who just talks but never listens.
together – spend time together, hang out together, do something together, bring people together. Laughing and smiling can bring people together.
to trust – trust each other. Make sure you trust each other and keep secrets.
to help – helpful, a helping hand, to lend a helping hand. Lending a helping hand to your friend doesn’t cost much.
II. Match the English words with their translation.
1. trustworthy | a. звонить |
2. to turn into | b. больной |
3. to upset | c. превращаться |
4. sick | d. надёжный |
5. to call | e. ценить |
6. to appreciate | f. благодарный |
7. thankful | g. огорчать |
III. Find the English equivalents in the text:
- когда бы ни —
- что-то —
- идти дальше (сменить тему) —
- перебивать —
- постоянно —
- просить совета –
IV. What do these expressions mean?
1. every now and then | a. be available to provide help and support for someone |
2. be/live in each other’s pocket | b. sometimes, but not regularly |
3. share laughs | c. be with each other all the time and depend on each other |
4. be always there for someone | d. do enjoyable and funny activities together |
Текстовый этап
V. Read the text of ex.2a pp. 37-38 and make a list of ideas of how to be a friend.
Послетекстовый этап
VI. Put the ideas in the order of importance.
- Never tell your friend’s secrets to anybody.
- Never gossip about your friend.
- Never do things that would upset your friend.
- Show your friend that you care for him/her.
- Listen to your friend carefully and be ready to give a piece of advice.
- Be yourself and trust each other.
- Be there for your friend ready to lend a helping hand.
VII. Imagine that you are a school psychologist. Make a speech for the students on how to be a good friend.