22 августа 2018
Привет, 2018-2019 учебный год!
Welcome to our new school year!
I hope it will be creative and clear!
I hope it will be quite positive too
And all our dreams will come true!
I hope our students will surprise us,
Will have understanding and bright clever eyes,
Will love our subject and make progress as well,
Will work hard at the lessons till the Last school bell!
3 комментария
To our poet Elena
In a week our school year
Is going to start.
And Elena, our poet,
Is as usual smart.
She rhymes words and supports us
With her beautiful verse,
Which is positive, friendly,
Really cute and diverse.
We say thank you and praise you
And ask never to stop
Do compose your nice poems
So that our eyes pop.
Well, I see, that somebody else can rhyme words and compose nice poems too!)
Maybe yes, maybe no)