Form 11 Unit 1 Lesson 1
Unit 1 Lesson 1 Vocabulary
Learn the words:
1. ties — связь; узы
2. extended family — большая семья, расширенная семья (включающая, кроме родителей и детей, также ближайших родственников)
3. immediate family — родители и их дети, малая /нуклеарная/ семья
4. tight-knit [͵taıtʹnıt] a тесно спаянный, дружный (о группе людей и т. п.)
5. appreciate [əʹpri:ʃıeıt] v 1. 1) ценить, высоко ставить 2) быть признательным, благодарным (за что-л.)
6. pass away [ʹpɑ:səʹweı] phr v — скончаться, умереть
7. sibling [ʹsıblıŋ] n 1. 1) родной брат или родная сестра
8. -hood [-hʋd] suffix встречается в существительных, образованных от существительных (изредка от прилагательных) и обозначающих
- состояние, общественное положение: childhood – детство fatherhood — отцовство
- качество: falsehood – ложь manhood — мужественность
- совокупность (людей): brotherhood – братство neighbourhood — соседи
Exercise 1. Match the words to their definition
1. ties | a) (of a family or community) with all the members having strong friendly relationships with one another |
2. extended family | b) used if you want to avoid the word `die’ because you think it might upset or offend people |
3. immediate family | c) your closest relations, such as your parents, children, husband or wife |
4. tight-knit | d) the friendly feelings that people have for other people, or special connections with places |
5. appreciate | e) your brothers and sisters |
6. pass away | f) a family group which includes relatives such as uncles, aunts, and grandparents, as well as parents, children, and brothers and sisters |
7. siblings | g) to be thankful or show gratitude for |
Keys: 1d 2f 3c 4a 5g 6b 7e
Exercise 2. Fill in the missing words
- I have four ***: three brothers and a sister.
- The pregnant woman in such a community has the support of all the womenfolk in her *** family.
- People who have *** family on the plane are asked to contact this number.
- Family *** are weaker if you move a long way away.
- We really *** all the help you gave us last weekend.
- She’s terribly upset because her father *** last week.
- Samoan culture is very localized, and centered on *** extended families, whereas Western societies tend to be highly individualistic and homophobic.
Keys: 1siblings 2extended 3immediate 4ties 5appreciate 6passed away 7tight-knit
Exercise 3. Answer the questions
- Is your family tight-knit?
- Have you got siblings? Do you get on with them?
- What does your immediate family mean to you?
- What do you appreciate most about your family?
- Is your extended family equally important?
- Has anyone in your extended family passed away? How does it make you feel?
- Do you agree that family ties become weaker if you move a long way away? Are you going to live far from your parents in the future?
Thanks a lot!!!)
You are welcome!
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