Form 10. Unit 2. Song «Home Sweet Home»

Для меня уже стало доброй традицией включать в урок песни, соответствующей тематики. Не стал исключением и этот раздел десятого класса. А если учесть, что эта песня несет глубокий и философский смысл, то это просто хороший воспитательный момент урока иностранного языка.

Home, Sweet Home

Exercise 1

Fill in the missing words:

I don’t  __1__   here anymore
People playing __2__  I do not understand
I feel like ___3__  but still I stay
Sometimes the big, big  __4___ seems so
Oh, so ___5__  to me.
Beyond the ___6____  high and deep blue seas
I get  __7__  so easily.

Exercise 2

Put the lines into the correct order:

__ Home, sweet home,
__Whenever I need a little rest,
__Wherever I go I think of home.
__Home, sweet home.
__Whenever I need to be alone,

Exercise 3

Choose the right words:

I’m left inside / outside again,
Searching for a hideaway
Safe from  chilly / hot winds.
Oh, slightly / mighty mountains high
And deep blue seas,
Where I get / fed  lost so easily.

Exercise 4

Match two parts of the sentences:

1 Home is A where you’re understood
2 Home is B that home is among friends
3 But don’t you know C there I’ll stay for good
4 Won’t you take me D where all things make sense


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I don’t belong here anymore
People playing games I do not understand
I feel like going but still I stay
Sometimes the big, big world seems so
Oh, so scary to me.
Beyond the mountains high and deep blue seas
I get lost so easily.

Home, sweet home,
Home, sweet home.
Whenever I need a little rest,
Whenever I need to be alone,
Wherever I go I think of home.

2.I’m left outside again,
Searching for a hideaway
Safe from chilly winds.
Oh, mighty mountains high
And deep blue seas,
Where I get lost so easily.

3.Home is where all things make sense,
Home is where you’re understood,
But don’t you know that home is among friends,
Won’t you take me there I’ll stay for good.

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