Form 8 Unit 2 Lesson 4

Дополнительный материал по теме After-school activities. Скомпилирован и адаптирован из различных интернет-источников.

How do you like to spend your time after school? Do you do something interesting?

It is important to spend your free time on activities which develop your talents and interests. Extracurricular activities can shape your future.

Schools offer a variety of after-school clubs. The activities of such clubs as a construction club, cooking club, photography club, drama club and others are interesting and enjoyable.

Is it easy to choose the best after-school activity? Here is some advice on how to make a choice.

  1. Make a list of all your interests. There are a lot of ways for each of them. For example, if you want to play an instrument, you can go to a music school, take private classes, play in your school or community band.
  2. See, if the activities are available in your school or in your community.
  3. The next step is to start doing the activity. How many of them? Try a variety of activities to get an idea which can really help you develop your interests. Drop those which don’t help you and focus on others.
  4. Make a list of top 5 activities that interest you. If you don’t have time, narrow your list to top 3 activities. It’s more important to spend time in each activity than to have a long list of them.

List of possible activities

Academic – are focused on a certain subject. They have competitions. Literature Club, Poetry Club, Robotics Club, History Club, English Club, Writing Club, Web design Club, etc.
Art – you can express yourself artistically. Art Club, Drama, Photography, Sewing, Woodworking, Anime Club, Drawing, Painting, etc.
Cultural and Language – you can get a taste of world’s diversity Chinese Club, Spanish Club, International Food Club, etc.
Community – making differences in your community Community Festivals, Do something
Leadership – motivate, direct and inspire others Peer Leadership Group
Media – for those who love writing, bring news and information to your school or community School or local magazine/newspaper, radio station, television channel, school or local web site
Music – try playing an instrument or singing School/ community/ church choir, singing lessons, orchestra
Performance Art – get on a stage and make the audience laugh and cry Dance, Miming, Puppetry, Choreography, Comedy Club, Community Theatre Group
Religious Church Groups
Sports and Recreation – doing sports Basketball, volleyball, cycling, football, swimming, tennis, Yoga Club
Technology – for technology lovers Blogging, personal web site, YouTube channel, Social Media
Volunteering Animal Rescue, Hospital volunteer, work with a local charity

Almost any hobby can be turned into an extracurricular activity. Starting a web site, volunteering or any unusual hobby can be turned into something you can do to develop your talent, creativity or leadership.

Take an opportunity to find a new passion.


Лексика, переделанная и дополненная своими примерами.


after-school activities (внеурочная деятельность). After-school activities are organized for children in the afternoon or evening after they have finished school. It may be a good idea to do some after-school activities. What kind of after-school activity should I do, Dad? Do you have a wide range of after-school activities in you school?

an opportunity, opportunities (возможность, возможности). An opportunity is a situation in which it is possible for you to do something that you want to do. I want to see more opportunities for young people. I never had the opportunity to travel. Different clubs offer opportunities to develop talents.

a skill, skills (навык, навыки). A skill is a type of work or activity which requires special training and knowledge. What skills can pupils learn in different clubs? We learned about survival skills in the jungle. The club develops our logical and thinking skills.

an event, events (событие, события). An event is a planned and organized occasion, for example a sports match. This year’s Olympic Games will be the biggest ever sporting event. What school events do you have?

to challenge, challenge (испытание, проба (своих) сил) My new job is not easy but it’s a challenge. — challenge talents and skills. What school clubs challenge you?

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