Form 6. The nature of Belarus

English 6 Unit 2. Answer the questions.

  1. How many species of trees and plants are there in Belarus?
  2. Can you name any trees and plants that grow in Belarus?
  3. What species of animals live in Belarusian forests?
  4. What animal is the symbol of Belarus?
  5. What species of fish can you find in Lake Naroch?

Card 1. Read the text to your partner. Then listen to his/her reading and check.

1. Belarus has beautiful blue lakes, thick (густые) forests and many species (вид) of animals and plants (растения).

2. There are 111 species of trees (fir and pine trees (ели и сосны), oaks (дубы) and ash trees (ясени)) and about 12,000 species of plants and mushrooms (грибы) in Belarus.

3. More than 30,000 species of animals live in Belarusian forests: elks (лоси), wild boars (дикие кабаны), deer (олени), wolves (волки), hares (зайцы) and beavers (бобры).

4. Herds (стада) of European bison (зубров) live in Belovezhskaya Pushcha.

5. The bison is the symbol of Belarus.

6. There are also about 60 species of fish and 305 species of birds in our republic.

7. Belarusian lakes are rich in (богаты) fish.

8. In Lake Naroch you can find eel (угорь), trout (форель) and pike (щука).

9. Our blueeyed (голубоглазая) country is very beautiful!

Card 2. Listen to your partner and remember the missing words. Then read your text.

1. Belarus has beautiful *** lakes, thick (густые) *** and many *** (вид) of animals and *** (растения).

2. There are 111 *** of trees (fir and pine trees (ели и сосны), oaks (дубы) and ash trees (ясени)) and about 12.000 species of *** (растения) and *** (грибы) in Belarus.

3. More than 30,000 *** of animals live in Belarusian forests: *** (лоси), wild boars (дикие кабаны), *** (олени), *** (волки), *** (зайцы) and beavers (бобры).

4. Herds (стада) of European *** (зубров) live in Belovezhskaya Pushcha.

5. The *** is the symbol of Belarus.

6. There are also about 60 *** of fish and 305 *** of birds in our republic.

7. Belarusian lakes are rich in (богаты) ***.

8. In Lake ***, you can find eel (угорь), trout (форель) and pike (щука).

9. Our blueeyed (голубоглазая) country is very ***!

Translate into English.

1. В Беларуси (есть) красивые озёра, густые (thick) леса и много видов животных и растений.

2. В Беларуси 111 видов деревьев: ели (fir trees), сосны (pine trees), дубы (oaks) и ясени (ash trees).

3. В нашей республике около (about) 12 тысяч растений и грибов.

4. Более (more than) 30 тысяч видов животных живёт в белорусских лесах.

5. Лоси (elks), дикие кабаны (wild boars), олени, волки, зайцы и бобры (beavers) живут в белорусских лесах.

6. Зубры живут в Беловежской пуще.

7. Зубр — символ Беларуси.

8. Белорусские озёра богаты (are rich in) рыбой.

9. В нашей республике около (about) 60 видов рыб и 305 видов птиц.

10. В озере Нарочь водятся (you can see) угри (eel), форель (trout) и щуки (pike).

11. Наша голубоглазая (blue-eyed) страна очень красивая.

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