English 10. Outstanding Belarusians
Для ответа на экзамене по теме «Выдающиеся люди» я выбрала ситуацию «Outstanding Belarusians». По учебнику это Unit 7 Lesson 9. Я в своей группе 10 класса даю этот материал на несколько уроков раньше, так как ситуация «Выдающиеся люди Беларуси» уже пройдена. Монологическое высказывание по теме (проще говоря билет 15) будет тематическим контролем на предпоследнем уроке в четверти. Всего за 3 четверти 10 класса нужно успеть подготовить 9 билетов:
Card 1. Accommodation. Types of houses in Britain
Card 2. Education. System of education in Belarus
Card 6. Science and technology
Card 7. Art
Card 10. Youth and Society. Youth organisations in the UK
Card 15. Outstanding people
Card 17. Accommodation. The house/flat you live in
Card 23. Youth and Society. National and international youth organisations
Card 24. Education. Differences between British and Belarusian school systems
Вопросы в билете 15 следующие:
1. Let’s talk about outstanding people. Tell me about some Belarusians who are well known all around the world.
2. Do you know anyone who is a Nobel Prize winner?
3. What questions will you ask that person?
4. Your British friend wants to learn more about the culture of Belarus. What advice will you give him/her?
5. Woody Allan said: “The only thing standing between me and greatness is ME” What do you think about it?
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