Автор: Елена Котова

Form 10. Unit 6. Love and science

Ну как же не вспомнить о любви в день святого Валентина?) Учёных тоже окрыляет это светлое чувство. А как они говорят о ней самой! Думаю моим  и вашим учащимся понравится. While watching this video try to fill in the gaps: https://yadi.sk/i/MSHguX3n07dUxA 1. Gravitation is not _________  for people _______ in  love. 2. Love is _______

Form 10. Unit 6. Science. Alchemy

Additional material                             Alchemy Alchemy is the very old study and philosophy of how to change basic substances (such as metals) into other substances. It also studied how substances (and how they are changed into other substances) were related to magic and astrology. People who studied alchemy were called alchemists. Some things alchemists tried to

Form 10. Unit 6. Science

John The Whistler — Wild Wild Web Давно не звучала музыка у меня на уроке, поэтому решила начать сложную тему с легкой и простой песни, которая отражает и тему урока, и современную реальность. Попробуйте и Вы, дорогие коллеги!    1. Fill in the missing words:  Chorus: It’s a wild wild web when you ___1___ lost


When a clock strikes twelve, my dear, When it starts the New Good Year, When the fireworks are bright And we have so magic night. When we have a lot of fun Despite we are old or young, When the air is so new, Let’s be happy : me and you!