По просьбе пятиклассников помещаю песенку «We Wish You a Merry Christmas». Это рождественский гимн неизвестного автора XVI века, один из самых популярных в Англии. В Рождество в Англии эту песню поют все: и знаменитые исполнители, и взрослые, и дети. Слова песни иногда отличаются, но главное — это радость и пожелание счастливого Рождества. Обычно песня исполняется
Selfridges is the name of a big store in central London. There are also Selfridges stores in Birmingham and Manchester. Selfridges is upmarket – that means, many of the things that it sells are exclusive, high-quality or simply expensive. Do Selfridges sell fridges? I don’t know, but if they do, the fridges are expensive ones.
Most British children wear school uniform to go to school. They have to. The school rules say that the children have to wear school uniform at school. What sort of school uniform? Well, my younger children are both at secondary school. My daughter has to wear a dark green skirt or trousers, a white blouse,
Duration 6 minutes 5 seconds (Начало — введение, основной текст см. ниже) “Gratitude is the sign of a noble soul!” It happened in ancient times that a slave named Androcles escaped from his master and fled into the forest, and he wandered there for a long time until he was weary and well nigh spent
Britain is an island. We are surrounded by sea. Nowdays, you can get here by plane, or by train through the Channel Tunnel. But before planes were invented, and the Channel Tunnel was built, the only way to come to Britain was by sea. The seas around Britain can be very dangerous. The Romans, who conquered