Learn the words, then divide them into two columns according to their «good» or «bad» meaning. Сначала выучите произношение на WordSteps. (На WordSteps одно слово отсутствует из-за неверного произношения.) Там же есть набор упражнений, но он сложнее, чем на Easy Notecards. (Мне кажется, Вы в состоянии определить последовательность работы сами, как Вам удобнее. ) If
Intermediate Language Practice (Personal matters) Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use between two and five words. 1. The children behaved so badly that I lost my temper. angry I _______________because of the children’s bad behaviour. 2. His fidgeting is getting on my nerves. nervous His
Intermediate Language Practice (Personal matters) Choose one of the adjectives to fill in the gaps. Some words are to be used more than once. Choose from the list angry nervous ashamed embarrassed gentle polite lazy tired sensitive sensible cheerful sympathetic bad-tempered damaged upset jealous annoyed bored Kelli was so nervous about her exam that
Choose the correct word. Each word must be used three times. angry* nervous* jealous I was angry about the rumours… Trying to make your boyfriend or girlfriend jealous isn’t a good idea. She was apparently a very nervous woman, and that affected her career. She had been very angry at the person who stole her
Intermediate Language Practice (Personal matters) Complete the definitions of the topic vocabulary. The answers are in white, highlight the spaces to check. *** When you are angry, you feel strong dislike or impatience about something. If someone is nervous, they are frightened or worried about something that is happening or might happen, and show this in their behaviour.