Hello! Let me tell you about my English classes. I live in Uritskoye and go to a village school. There are a lot of subjects on my timetable. English is one of them. I began learning English in the third form and started with the ABC. We listened to the teacher, played games, sang songs
Билет 25 1. Let’s talk about Great Britain. What do you know about this country? 2. Would you like to visit Britain? Why (not)? 3. What would you ask a British teenager about national holidays in Britain? 4. Give me a piece of advice on what sights to see in London. 5. Do the British
Topic Key question Link Family What role does family play in each person’s life? http://fortee.ru/2013/09/15/bilety-1-3-family/ Family What is family for you? http://fortee.ru/2013/09/15/bilety-1-3-family/ Family Why is family important for you? http://fortee.ru/2013/09/15/bilety-1-3-family/ Friendship What role do friends play in your life? http://fortee.ru/2013/09/15/bilet-4-friendship/ School What can you tell me about studying at school? http://fortee.ru/2013/09/21/bilet-5-studying-at-school/ School Do you have
Shopping in London 1. The text is about shopping in London. The text says that there are loads of different places to go shopping in London. When John visits London, one of the favourite things he does is shopping or window-shopping. 2. 3-й абзац. 3. Some shops are busy, exciting, trendy, and there are a
Уважаемые читатели! Благодаря коллегам из Ирининской гимназии города Гомеля мы имеем ещё одну возможность посмотреть, как составляются вопросы к ситуациям для устного экзамена. Материалы присланы учителем английского языка Гомельской Ирининской гимназии Таисией Барозновской. СИТУАЦИИ ОБЩЕНИЯ ДЛЯ БЕСЕДЫ НА ЭКЗАМЕНЕ ПО УЧЕБНОМУ ПРЕДМЕТУ «АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК» ЗА ПЕРИОД ОБУЧЕНИЯ И ВОСПИТАНИЯ НА III СТУПЕНИ ОБЩЕГО СРЕДНЕГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ
Form 10 Unit 6 Science People in contemporary world can hardly imagine their lives without machines. Every day either a new gadget is invented or an old one is improved. Different people appreciate new inventions differently. Some suppose that sophisticated gadgets are really useful and necessary, while others find them absolutely awful as they influence
Тема показалась мне не избитой, можно её использовать в 10 классе по теме «Art» или в 9 в беседе о музеях. Art plays an important role in the life of a man and sometimes it is next to impossible to live without it. It is natural that the first thing that comes to my mind