Form 8. Pocket Money

Материалы к уроку в 8 классе по теме «Pocket money» включают текст для чтения, разработанные к нему предтекстовые и послетекстовые задания, а также отрывок видео из программы «Good morning, Britain!».

Reading text.

Should Parents Give Their Children an Allowance?

Families differ greatly with regard to giving their children an allowance. Some parents think it is only fair to allow their children the freedom to do something that they enjoy doing and will gladly give them a weekly allowance. Other parents are worried about what their child will do with the money. It can be a touchy subject for some parents.

Reasons to give an allowance/ pocket money

Parents may choose to give their child(ren) an allowance based on their academic performance, and because they have been shown proper respect. Under these circumstances, giving their child an allowance is an easy thing for them to do. They are given a specified amount of money and they can spend or save it in any way they choose. Children can use it to buy snacks, magazines, or save up for a toy or some other purchase. Some prefer to put the money in the bank for a rainy day. The decision is the parents’ to make and depends on their relationship with the child.

Choosing not to give an allowance

On the other hand, some parents choose not to give their child an allowance. This may be due in part to their child’s performance in school, rebelliousness and a disrespectful attitude towards them. Under such circumstances, refusing to give an allowance is part of the child’s punishment, so that they can learn from their mistakes and correct their life course. It will curtail their freedom to do as they would like to do. This may be a temporary arrangement or a sustained, long term arrangement.

Work for an allowance around the home

Other parents would prefer to give their child an allowance as «wages» for work they have carried out around the house. This may include such tasks as dusting, vacuuming, cleaning the bathroom and mowing the lawn. The parents decide how much each task is worth and then pay their child according to the tasks that have been completed. This can work very well and teach a child valuable money management skills from a young age. They will also learn that they will only get paid for completed tasks. It is a skill that will stand them in good stead for when they enter the workforce later on in life.

Part-time job outside the home

Rather than give their children any kind of allowance at all, some parents encourage their children to get a part-time job outside the home. This may be a paper round, washing cars or mowing other people’s lawns. The job may be part of a family business, in which case, they can keep an eye on their child and make sure they are getting on well with the tasks they have been assigned.

In conclusion, deciding whether to give their child an allowance is a very personal decision that should be left to the parents or guardians. It is based on many factors and will reflect the value system of parents themselves. Whatever method is chosen will help a child learn the connection between work and money. It will hopefully teach them that money is not earned easily, but requires some effort. Children who do not receive an allowance due to misconduct can see that their actions are holding them back and can be just what they need to help them make the necessary changes in their lives. There is no right or wrong answer in this discussion. Each family must decide for themselves what works best for them.

Before reading

I. Match the equivalents 

1.   weekly allowance

2.   academic performance

3.   relationship

4.   attitude

5.   misconduct

6.   complete

7.   decision

8.   value system

9.    require

a)     отношение

b)    еженедельное пособие

c)     система ценностей

d)    успехи в школе

e)     решение

f)      взаимоотношения

g)    требовать

h)    плохое поведение

i)       заканчивать

II. Complete the sentences with the words from the box

any way       money management       proper respect      disrespectful
  1. Children may get pocket money because they show ………. ……….. to the parents.
  2. Teenagers spend and save their pocket money in ……… ……..  they choose.
  3. Parents don’t give pocket money because of ………… attitude towards them.
  4. Household chores may teach teens ……….. ………….
  5. Kids should be paid only for ……….

III. Match two parts of the sentences

1.   Some parents think it is only fair

2.   Some parents give their children an allowance

3.   Sometimes the decision “to give or not to give”

4.   Other teens get paid

5.   Children can learn they’ll get money

a)        depends on their relationship with the child.

b)       for completed tasks.

c)        based on their academic performance.

d)       for household chores.

e)        to give their kids a weekly allowance.

IV. Say whether the sentences TRUE or FALSE according to the article

  1. Parents don’t think what children will do with the money.
  2. Parents give money to kids because of disrespectful attitude towards them.
  3. Household chores may include dusting, vacuuming, cleaning the bathroom and mowing the lawn.
  4. Teenagers can get a part-day job to get money.
  5. Absence of allowance can lead to misconduct.

V. Give a summary of the article.

VI. Express your own opinion on the problem

My attitude to pocket money

A Parents may choose to give their child(ren) an allowance based on their school achievements, and because they show proper respect. The decision depends on their relationship with the child.
B Some parents do not to give their child an allowance because of bad marks at school or a disrespectful attitude towards them. Sometimes it is part of the child’s punishment, so that they can learn from their mistakes and correct their life course.
C Other parents would prefer to give their child an allowance for household chores like washing up, cleaning, dusting etc. Work around the house can work very well and teach a child valuable money management skills.
D Children shouldn’t be given money at such young ages (ages till 14). Instead, they should learn the value of money and should also learn to work hard to earn it. They might even misuse the given money for useless purposes.
E Students who get more pocket money from their parents, get more preference from other students as compared to the students who do not get pocket money from their parents.
F I guess school students hardly need any money because they hardly understand the worth of money. They spend money on such stuffs which can do harm to their health.

Money should be given in those hands who can value it, not to those who misuse it. Parents should make their kids understand about where and how to spend money.

G Children must be independent in future. If they get pocket money they learn how to spend and  save money and therefore can be more creative in the society.
H My personal opinion is that our children have the right to be given pocket money. It teaches them responsibility and helps budgeting at an early age.
I In my opinion children should earn their pocket money OR in the future they will demand (требовать) items and will be absolute SPOILED BRATS! (избалованный ребёнок)
J I think getting paid for household chores is a good way of understanding the value of money. They learn how to be independent and responsible. If children earn money they will be more careful with it.
K Children shouldn’t get pocket money because they will buy things without asking their parents. They’ll argue for pocket money and there will be a fight between children and parents.
L Kids should be given pocket money as long as they are EARNING it.

It teaches kids to be more independent and allows exploring the financial world, well, under parents’ control.

M Children should do the chores around the house FOR FREE because they love their family and want to help them.

Tasks after reading

I. Divide the opinions in two groups: Pro and Cons Pocket money. Prove your point with the sentences from the forum.( Author A thinks ….. He says…)

II. Which opinions do you agree with? Begin with: I agree that…

III. Match the words from the text in bold with their definitions

1. an allowance a) damage, smth. bad
2. punishment b) of great worth or use
3. valuable c) sum of money, ammount allowed
4. to misuse d) favouring, a feeling that smth. / smb. is better than others
5. preference e) suffering because of wrong behavior
6. harm f) to learn, to discover
7. responsibility g) ask for
8. to explore h) duty
9. to demand i) to use wrongly

IV. Complete the sentences with the words from the box

money management skills      proper respect      correct       responsibility     stuffs
  1. Parents may choose to give their child(ren) an allowance because they show __________ __________.
  2. Children can learn from their mistakes and _________their life course.
  3. Getting money for household chores can work very well and teach a child valuable ________ __________ ________ .
  4. They spend money on such ________which can do harm to their health.
  5. Pocket money teaches them and helps budgeting at an early age.

V. Match two parts of the sentence

1. If teens get pocket money A get more preference from other students
2. Parents may choose to give their child(ren) an allowance B they will buy things without asking their parents.
3. Students who get more pocket money from their parents, C learn how to spend and  save money.
4. Children shouldn’t get pocket money because D they learn how to spend and  save money.
5. If kids get pocket money they E based on their school achievements.


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