О, да я поэт!) Нашла в социальных сетях собственный стих трёхлетней давности. Надо же, сколько синонимов употребила). No faith, no trust No faith, no trust. All days resemble, Match one another. Hopes are shut. My soul is empty, silent, trembling, It seems I’m torn by life apart. One tiny dream, one small desire, I have
Among different kinds of motivation can you define what motivates you? Let’s have a look at two types of motivation: intrinsic and extrinsic. Compare and choose. intrinsic /ɪntrɪnsɪk/ If something has intrinsic value or intrinsic interest, it is valuable or interesting because of its basic nature or character, and not because of its connection with
Why are we, Russians, so particular about our clothes? We want to look smart on any occasion, be it an evening party or visiting friends. It seems that for many of us there are no more important things in life than wearing nice, expensive clothes. We may spend a fortune on clothes only not to
My blog co-author Yuri is a man of many talents. To begin with, he was one of those smart young men who managed to get the highest results in central testing and not become a student at Minsk State Linguistic University due to the limited number of openings. Fortunately, Belarusian State University proudly enlisted Yuri
The title of the article implies not only my will to improve my English, but demonstrates the idea that there is nothing impossible in this world on the example of Yuri, my co-author and university teacher. Today, I’ve got the following reply to one of my corrections, made at lang-8 for a native speaker: You
This piece of writing is not new, it had been somehow lost and I decided to publish it again as I am working on my writing. _____ People are born to be happy and to find meaning in life. To give birth to children, to watch their first steps, to see their success in life.