Рубрика: Билеты

Exam 2022. Cards 23-25 Speaking. Revision

Материалы для повторения к экзамену 2022. Ситуации для устного общения, билеты 23-25. Билет 23 Let’s talk about youth and society What national and international youth organisations do you know?          Are you a member of any youth organization?        What questions will you ask about a new project organised by the BRSM? What youth organisation

English 10. Outstanding Belarusians

Для ответа на экзамене по теме «Выдающиеся люди» я выбрала ситуацию «Outstanding Belarusians». По учебнику это Unit 7 Lesson 9. Я в своей группе 10 класса даю этот материал на несколько уроков раньше, так как ситуация «Выдающиеся люди Беларуси» уже пройдена. Монологическое высказывание по теме (проще говоря билет 15) будет тематическим контролем на предпоследнем уроке

Card 14

How do foreigners picture a typical Englishman? Different nations have different characters. We expect every nation to have some typical qualities. English people like reading a lot, especially newspapers-talking about the weather, going to a pub, discussing news and drinking beer there. They also like to spend time in a club. English people are considered

Accommodation, Card 17

✔Accommodation Card 17 (по ситуации №4 из Материалов по подготовке к экзамену) 1. What types of houses do the British people live in? Houses are an important part of British life. To my mind there is no other nation that is so fond of houses. I`d like to tell you about different types of housing