Урок по теме «National Stereotypes»
Разработку своего урока по теме «National Stereotypes» с презентацией к нему прислала наша коллега из г. Клецка Надежда Георгиевна Прищепа.
Topic: National Character
Lesson: National Stereotype
Aims: Discussion of stereotypes, explaining, improving character adjective vocabulary
Activity: Discussion and comparison of National Stereotypes
I. Warm-up. How many countries do you remember?
№ | Country | The people in general | One person |
1. | Australia | Australians | an Australian |
2. | Finland | the Finnish | a Finn |
3. | the USA | Americans | an American |
4. | England | the English | an Englishman, an Englishwoman |
5. | Belarus | Belarusians | a Belarusian |
6. | Belgium | Belgians | a Belgian |
7. | Denmark | the Danish | a Dane |
8. | France | the French | a Frenchman, a Frenchwoman |
9. | Germany | Germans | a German |
10. | Greece | Greeks | a Greek |
11. | the Netherlands | the Dutch | a Dutchman, a Dutchwoman |
12. | Japan | the Japanese | a Japanese |
13. | Luxemburg | ____________ | a Luxembourger |
14. | India | Indians | an Indian |
15. | Italy | Italians | an Italian |
16. | Poland | the Polish | a Pole |
17. | Portugal | the Portuguese | a Portuguese |
18. | Russia | Russians | a Russian |
19. | Sweden | the Swedish | a Swede |
20. | Ukraine | Ukrainians | a Ukrainian |
Teacher: STEREOTYPE (on the board)
What does this word mean?
e.g. All Americans are … fat. American food is fast food. OR Americans love guns.
All Chinese are short.
P1, P2, P3
T: Can you tell me some stereotypes about Belarusians?
e.g. They are …hospitable.
So, a stereotype is … (on the board)
T: Have you ever heard someone say Irish people are all drunks, or African-American people are always late, or women are bad drivers? Those are stereotypes: commonly held ideas about specific groups. You most often hear about negative stereotypes, but some are positive.
For example, there’s a stereotype that Asian people do better in school. One of many problems with any stereotype is that even if it’s true in some cases, it’s certainly not true in all cases.
II. Listen to the recording and check.
III. Reading. Let’s read the article and say what made the author unhappy.
Americans are:
arrogant – высокомерный
harsh – суровый
open-minded – открытый
materialistic – материалистический
ambitious – амбициозный
progressive – прогрессивный
efficient – эффективный
straightforward – простой, откровенный
practical – практический
fast food eaters – едоки быстрого питания
Australians are:
nature lovers – любители природы
shallow – поверхностный, пустой
honest – честный
open-minded – открытый
love to joke – любят шутить
meat eaters – мясоеды
sports lovers – любители спорта
surf all day – занимаются серфингом весь день
drink all night — пить всю ночь
Brasilians are:
impulsive – импульсивный
always late – всегда опаздывают
carnival addicts – обожают карнавалы
soccer and coffee lovers – любители футбола и кофе
criminals and robbers – преступники и грабители
inventive and constructive people – изобретательные и конструктивные люди
family oriented people – хорошие семьянины
community oriented people —
women are supermodels – женщины- супермодели
men are macho — мужчины — мачо
Canadians are:
submissive – покорны
agreeable – приятный
modest – скромный
open-minded –
progressive –
efficient –
straightforwrd –
polite – вежливый
respectful – почтительный, вежливый
anxious – тревожный, беспокойный
law-abiding – законопослушные
tolerant – толерантный, терпимый
anti – American – анти – американский
passive – пассивный
They care for handicapped / elderly / minorities ; they don’t like successful people.
The Chinese are:
hardworking – трудолюбивый
fast-learners – быстро обучаемы
open-minded –
ambitious – амбициозный
progressive –
business-oriented – бизнес-ориентированный
great at maths –способны в математике
terrible drivers – ужасные водители
arrogant – высокомерный
assertive – напористый
very short – очень низкие
do kung fu –занимаются кунг фу
wear glasses – носить очки
pirate and copy everything – пиратствовать и все копировать
don’t value contracts – не ценить контракты
drink green tea – пить зеленый чай
eat everything that lives – едят все, что живет
IV. Work in groups of three. Choose one of the nationalities described in the article and discuss:
1) Why might these character be true?
2) Why is it dangerous to think that all people have the same character traits?
3) Why can stereotyping be often bad?
4) Which stereotypes of their own country or region don’t you like? Why?
V. Look at the postcard from Britain describing a perfect European. Are they serious or humorous characteristics?
T: Express the same idea using the formal subject.
e.g. It is believed that Italians aren’t controlled.
1)Write a short composition comparing their own region or country to another one. Ask them to include various stereotypes, as well as examples from their own experience that either confirm or refute the stereotypes they mention.
2) Learn the word ( in written form)
Здравствуйте! Татьяна, спасибо за ваш чудесный блог! Вы — палочка-выручалочка на все случаи! Скажите, может у вас есть разработки для 10 класса по теме «Граффити»? Заранее спасибо!
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