21 сентября 2013
Билет №5. Studying at School
Note. В этом билете я заменила 1 вопрос на свой, так как считаю ужасно нудным рассказывать о кабинетах и этажах.
Билет №5
1. Let’s talk about education. What can you tell me about studying at school?
2. Do you agree that Belarusian secondary school provides a person with good knowledge? Why (not)?
3. Ask me whether I liked school when I was a pupil.
4. What ideas from Belarusian school can you advise a teacher from Great Britain to use in British school?
5. Today some young people think that having a good education is not very important. Do you agree with them?
Билет №5 |
1. Let’s talk about education. What can you tell me about studying at school? | Children in Belarus start going to school at the age of 6. They spend 4 years at primary school and 7 years at secondary school. At the age of 16, when pupils finish the 9th form, they can either leave school or continue their education for another two years. Most schools in Belarus are secondary comprehensive but there are lyceums and gymnasiums, where pupils get more profound knowledge in various subjects. Marks in Belarusian schools are given out of 10. All schools have rules, such as to be neatly dressed, not to smoke or to avoid casual hair styles. In general, pupils are satisfied with their school as they get good knowledge in all subjects. |
2. Do you agree that Belarusian secondary school provides a person with good knowledge? Why (not)? | I agree. I think that all children are provided with equal opportunities to get good knowledge. My idea is that good knowledge depends not only on school and teachers but on pupils themselves. |
3. Ask me whether I liked school when I was a pupil. | Did you like to go to school in your childhood? What was your favourite subject? Who was your favourite teacher? Did you have to take your English exam? |
4. What ideas from Belarusian school can you advise a teacher from Great Britain to use in British school? | I can advise a teacher from Great Britain to have a wide range of subjects on the timetable. |
5. Today some young people think that having a good education is not very important. Do you agree with them? | It has always been important to have a good education. Unfortunately, these days the values have changed and a person with a good education very often can’t find a place in the society. |
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2 комментария
Конечно, у каждого свое представление о том, что должно быть в билетах. Но то, что вам,Татьяна, кажется нудным, может быть, и есть та самая палочка- выручалочка для не очень уверенного ученика. Потому-что сплошная заумность, на мой взгляд, не есть хорошо. Наелись мы уже этой заумности в последних учебниках для старших классов.
Как, кстати, пошел этот материал в классе?
Здравствуйте, Елена!
Пока не пробовала Ваши наработки, так как движемся мы с группой чрезвычайно медленными темпами и находимся на третьем билете. Четвёртый к следующему уроку. Работала по своим заготовкам. В группе есть одна не совсем слабая девочка, справляется. А остальной контингент требует оценки вместо того, чтобы приложить усилия. Получается, что мне в любом случае следует готовить материал для 2-х уровней. В общем, 1-ю четверть работаю в расчёте на эту девочку.
Про учебники, да… Учитывая, как сейчас дети «рвутся» учиться, слов нет.