Билет 20 Let’s talk about Belarus What are the symbols of Belarus? Do you speak the Belarusian language in your everyday life? What questions do you expect to hear from a British teenager about Belarus? What historical sites can you advise your British friend to visit to make his/her stay unforgettable? Many people gather to
Card 7. Let’s talk about art 1. Our country is world famous thanks to its artists, composers, etc. Tell me about some of them. You are right. Belarus is a talented nation. Our country is famous thanks to its writers and poets, musicians and artists. One of the most famous painters is Mark Chagall. He
Card 12. Let’s talk about the mass media 1. What is the role of mass media in the life of contemporary society? We live in the era of information. It’s impossible to imagine our life without media. The mass media include newspapers, magazines, radio, television and the Internet. These media have become as important for
Card 15. Let’s talk about outstanding people 1. Tell me about some Belarusians who are well known all around the world. There are many famous people among Belarusians. They are writers and poets, scientists and sportsmen, politicians and cosmonauts.First of all, I’d like to mention Francysk Scaryna. He was a humanist, a scholar, a translator
Card 23. Let’s talk about youth and society. 1. What national and international youth organisations do you know?There are a lot of youth organizations in Belarus and abroad. The largest international youth organisations are Girl Guides, the Scout Association, Greenpeace Youth, 4-H, and others. They offer a wide range of activities from volunteer work to
Вопрос 4 в экзаменационном билете за курс средней школы предполагает умение дать совет. В приведённом ниже видео вы найдёте разные способы того, как это сделать. Выберите для себя 3-4 способа и используйте их при подготовке к экзамену. Обратите внимание на употребление герундия после глаголов to suggest/to recommend. После to suggest употребляется ТОЛЬКО -ing форма: I
Card 24. Let’s talk about education. 1. What is the difference between the British and Belarusian school systems?2. Have you decided what you will do after leaving school?3. What questions will you ask a British teenager about their system of education?4. Give advice to your friend on how to make school life more interesting and