Exercises to Card 17



I. Find in the text English equivalents:

Была простой монахиней, никогда не хотела быть известной, когда она была ребенком, часто ходила с ней,  на грязных улицах, знает кто она, чтобы поддержать семью, самая младшая из троих детей, делать благотворительную работу, выбрала имя, чтобы работать в монастыре, ее самая великая награда, позже, выглянула из окна, приехали со всего мира, это была тяжелая работа, стала хорошо известна, в самом начале, чтобы работать с бедными.

II. Translate into Russian:

Everyone in the world, visiting the sick, even as a child, became a principal, wanted to become a nun, wearing rags, with great love, no great things, sleeping in doorways, sick and dying people, at that moment, God sent her a message, had no roof, kids from poor families, all around India, dirty and sick, children without families, over the years, spread around the world, donations of money.

III. Say if sentences are TRUE or FALSE:

  1. Mother Teresa wasn’t a simple nun.
  2. Everyone in the world knows who she is.
  3. Mother Teresa was born in what now is Croatia.
  4. Her father died when she was a teenager.
  5. Agnes’s mother made dresses to support the family.
  6. When she was 16 years old she joined a group of nuns in India.
  7. She went to Calcutta to work in a convent.
  8. In 1938, sister Teresa started her own group of nuns.
  9. Later, she started homes for children without families.
  10. In 1989 Mother Teresa got the Noble Peace Prize.
  11. She also started hospitals.

IV. Answer the questions according to the text:

  1. When was Mother Teresa born?
  2. Where was Mother Teresa born?
  3. How many children were there in her family?
  4. What did her mother do to support the family?
  5. At what age did she join a group of nuns in India?
  6. What name did she choose there?
  7. How long did she work at St. Mary’s School?
  8. Why did Mother Teresa decide to devote her life to people in need?
  9. What did she start in 1948?
  10. Where did the nuns live?
  11. Did she start clinics?
  12. What prize did she get in 1979?

V. Match the words of the two columns to make up the word combinations used in the text and translate them into Russian

1. Missionaries a. in Macedonia
2. riding b. the convent
3.dirty c. of nuns
4. started d. of Charity
5. lived e. dresses
6. a group f. to Calcutta
7. left g. on a train
8. was born h. in the slums
9. went i. clinics
10. made j. children

 VI.Give the equivalents from the text that mean the same:


                          nun              poor                support                    convent               sick
                       start                 slums                 help                    charity                 rag


  1. a torn piece of cloth;
  2. a building in which nuns live;
  3. to make it possible or easier for someone to do something by doing part of the work yourself or by providing advice, money, support etc.;
  4. a member of a female religious group that lives in a convent;
  5. a system of giving money, food or help free to those who are in need, because they are ill, poor or have no home;
  6. having little money and/or a few possessions;
  7. a very poor and crowded area, especially of a city;
  8. to agree with and give encouragement to someone or something because you want him/her/it to succeed;
  9. to begin doing something;
  10. physically or mentally ill, not well or healthy.

II. Listening

Listen to the conversation and answer the questions below.

I. Choose the right answer:

1.You are applied to do ……… course here.

a) a cooking

b) a teaching

c) a medical

2. I’m not looking for a(n)………..

a) easy job

b) interesting job

c) tiring job

3. Why have you decided to be a ……..?

a) doctor

b) driver

c) PE teacher

4. It is important for our health to ……..

a) eat a lot

b) keep physically fit

c) go for a walk

5. Jackie grew up…………

a) around sport

b) in the village

c) at the seaside


  1. Jackie has always loved reading books.
  2. Jackie wants to work with young people.
  3. Jackie has decided to be an English teacher.
  4. Jackie’s mum was a really good athlete.
  5. Playing sport teaches young people to be healthy.

III. Fill in the missing words

  1. I like a _________and also want   to _____ with ________ people.
  2. It’s important for our health to keep __________ fit.
  3. Physical exercise is good for our ________     ________ and _________.
  4. Playing sport ________ young people _________ life __________.
  5. Running _________ made a big _______ on me as a child.

IV. Answer the questions:

  1. What does Jackie want to become?
  2. Does Jackie love sport?
  3. Why has she chosen this profession?
  4. Where does her passion to sport come from?
  5. Why is it important for young people to do sport at school?
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