Рубрика: Учащимся

Form 10 Unit 4 Vocabulary

Интерактивные упражнения на тренировку лексики к Unit 4 учебника для 10 класса авторов Н. В. Юхнель и др. В архиве два набора упражнений: с английского на русский и с русского на английский. В любом наборе упражнения выполнять в такой последовательности: 1) flash cards (fc в названии файла на конце) 2) drag and drop (dd) 3)

Types of Schools in the UK Form 10

Additional practice material to Unit 3 Lesson 3 Form 10 N. V. Yukhnel and others. Learn the definitions by working with the uploaded interactive exercises. Get ready to speak about the types of schools in  the UK. 1. primary school 2. secondary school 3. independent school 4. private school 5.  public school 6. comprehensive school 7. grammar school

Changing Climate (form 9)

Form 9 Listening Comprehension Test Changing Climate (p.217 English 10 Panova I. I.) I. (1-2) Listen to the story and make notes about: The place  __________________ The people _________________ The problem ________________ II.  (3-4) Answer Yes/No. Is the Sahara desert one of the hottest places in the world? Do the Tuareg people live in the Sahara