
Rain… After enduring hot summer days to feel a kiss from the sky…
One drop, two, three… People, hurrying to find shelter… I’ve longed for the rain so much that I’m not in a hurry. I’m not going to follow all thеse people. A breath of wind. It is dead against me. I hear it whispering, «Cool-l-lnes-s-ss, fresh-sh-sh-nes-s-s….» I stretch my arms trying to catch the first little drops with my hands. Instead I feel one on my face, on my forehead, on my lips… I taste the little drop on my lips and I like it. The air is turning fresher and fresher. The sky grows darker and darker. At last heavy drops of summer rain cover me all over. It’s like being embraced by a beloved man. I’m happy. And I smile. I’ll stay in the rain despite the surprised looks of people. A little drop in this big life. A_Drop_In_The_Rain.

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