Урок в 7 классе по теме «Shopping»

Урок английского языка в 7 классе по теме «Shopping»

Учитель: Садовский Геннадий Антонович
ГУО «Урицкая средняя школа»
Гомельский район

Theme: Shopping around


1) to develop speaking skills (dialogue)
2) to familiarize students with exemplary behavior in social situations (in a shop)
3) to develop student’s thinking and memory
4) to promote cooperation in class

I. Organizational and motivating stage. Organization moment. Greeting.

Good morning. Sit down, please.

II. Realization of the plan.

Let’s begin our lesson. The most visited places are homes, schools, cinemas and shops. In the morning you were at home, now you are at school and today you’ll have a good chance to watch a film and to visit a shop. So the theme of today’s lesson is “Shopping around” and that means we are to speak about shops and shopping, and about everything connected with this theme.

You have been working hard this week, so I’d like you to relax a bit. Watch a film and while watching do a test.

Просмотр фильма «Extr@», episode 2 «Hector goes shopping».

Во время просмотра фильма ученики выполняют тест.


1. Hector’s pajamas are
a) messy and old-fashioned
b) awful and old-fashioned
c) cheap and old-fashioned

2. Who said “You need a look like on a fast bike”?
a) Bridget
b) Ann
c) Nick

3. Who said “You need a designer look”?
a) Bridget
b) Ann
c) Nick

4. Who said “You need a cowboy look”?
a) Bridget
b) Ann
c) Nick

5. Who goes shopping for Hector?
a) Bridget and Ann
b) Nick and Bridget
c) Ann, Nick and Bridget

6. Nick is going to buy
a) a shirt
b) trousers
c) shoes

7. Ann is going to buy
a) a shirt
b) trousers
c) shoes

8. Bridget is going to buy
a) a shirt
b) trousers
c) shoes

9. Try it on means
a) to put on
b) to go on
c) to be keen on

10. Hector bought on line
a) 10 dozen eggs
b) 8 dozen eggs
c) 12 dozen eggs

11. Hector bought on line
a) 10 lemons
b) 10 melons
c) 10 water melons

12. “Sarong” means a
a) Scottish kilt
b) kind of Indian national clothes
c) light shirt

13. £ 5000 is
a) $ 800
b) $ 80
c) $ 8000

14. “Tarantula” means
a) a spider
b) a dog
c) a wolf

15. Hector bought on line
a) 14 tins of dog food
b) 40 tins of dog food
c) 400 tins of dog food

The film watched, I understand my look is not perfect either.

Situation 1

—  What don’t you like in my clothes?
—  Your trousers are too baggy (short, old-fashioned). Buy a pair of striped ones and you will look cool.

The teacher «goes» to the shopping center. After visiting the shop:

—  Do you like these trousers?
—  Yes, I do.
—  Am I cool now?
— Yes, you are.

(Диалог учителя с учениками — побуждение к действию, ученики предлагают учителю посетить магазин)

Situation 2

—  What look do I need?
—  You need a film star look. А smart checked jacket, a blue and white striped skirt, trousers with a leather belt, and black shoes.

The teacher «goes» to the shopping center again.

— Good morning!
— Good morning!
— I would like to buy a shirt.
— What size?
— XXL.
— What colour?
— Blue and white.
— Try this one on. The changing room is over there.
— Is it expensive?
— 80.000 roubles.
— OK. I’ll buy it.

To pupils:
— Do you like my look now?
— Yes, I do.

Dialogues with other students. Посещение магазина: учитель в роли покупателя, учащиеся в роли продавцов.

Situation 3

Today shopping on-line is very popular. Some of my friends asked me to help them make their orders. So translate these orders into English.


1) кожаный ремень, 2 пары белых носков, полосатый синий пиджак
2) пару кожаных перчаток, белую хлопчатобумажную рубашку (XL) синий галстук
3) белую нарядную рубашку (S) клетчатую юбку (46) светлые кроссовки (37)
4) 2 банки клубничного варенья нарядную розовую футболку (М), две пары темных колготок

Каждый ученик получает отдельный «заказ».

Письменная работа.

Учащиеся переводят заказы на английский язык для отправления их в интернет-магазин.

III. Reflection stage.

Our lesson is coming to the end. Estimate the lesson. Estimate your answers. Are you satisfied with them? Predict your marks. Marks.

Home task.
What would I recommend to wear at school and why? (a short report)

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