E6 U6 L7. The story of marmalade

For warming-up:

Not-So Fast Food

Burgers, pizzas, chicken wings.
Tacos, French fries, onion rings.
Ice cream, donuts, cookies, cakes.
Soda, chips, and chocolate shakes.
These are things I like to munch,
breakfast, dinner, snack and lunch.

Every meal I eat includes
more, and more, and more fast foods.
Yet with every meal I eat
I grow slower on my feet.
This is why I want to know
why does fast food make me slow?

— Kenn Nesbitt
Источник: https://www.poetry4kids.com/poems/not-so-fast-food/

My Favorite Food Is Broccoli

My favorite food is broccoli.
I eat it every day.
There isn’t any other food
that makes me feel this way.

It makes me feel so healthy.
It makes me look so cute.
But, mostly, I like broccoli
because it makes me toot /веселый/.

— Kenn Nesbitt
Источник: https://www.poetry4kids.com/poems/my-favorite-food-is-broccoli/

Ex.1a p.152

Ex. 2a p.153

Ex.3b p.154

Ex. 4 p. 154


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