The secret of a true friendship Listening Exercises Exercise 1 Choose the right option: In ancient Greece Socrates was well known as… A) a wise teacher B) a wise doctor C) a wise man One day one … met the great philosopher. A) Fellow B) Girl C) Boy I’d like you to have a little test.
Grammar Drills Exercise 1 Fill in the table with the personal and possessive pronouns: my yours she his it our they Exercise 2 Choose the right pronoun: 1. She is tired because of her/ hers work. 2. I don’t like their/
Раздаточный материал к уроку 2 второго раздела в 9 классе. Alexandra is really ch______ and f____. She is r_____, h_____ and e___ to deal with. She is also k____ and s____. Alex has got ____ eyes, long _____ and she is quite t_____. She has got straight b___ hair. Alex is interested in f____. She
Form 9. Unit 3. Lesson 2—Lexical Drills Exercise1 — Match: 1.40 different a) bread 2. dairy b) products 3. wholegrain c) oxygen 4. fresh, frozen and dried d) nutrients 5. fat e) poultry 6. to prevent f) man 7. to grow g) fruit 8. time h) infections 9. to supply i) heals 10. iron j)
Form 9 Unit 9 Lesson 7 Cheating at school: for and against Exercise 2a p. 257 Reading I. Make the words negative and translate them: Like – Honest- Fair- II. Translate into Russian: Dislike cheating, copy a friend’s work, a good idea, get knowledge, feel bad about, cheat yourself, all through my school years, take
Здравствуйте, милые коллеги! Меня зовут Заславец Ирина, работаю учителем английского языка в Танежицкой СШ. Вашим сайтом пользуюсь вот уже два года, всегда жду свеженьких материалов, часто применяю их на уроках. Хочу поделится также и моими идеями. Надеюсь,что они пригодятся! FORM 9 Love and friendship 1. Match 1. a) throw an apple a) с нетерпением